8 years ago


We have been using SEBLOD with Yootheme WARP for years but the new YooThemePRO completely destroys the alchemy.

  • with YoothemePro the page is now brought by the content (json code in the article) whereas the core concept of Joomla is menu driven !
  • the module manager conflicts with the youthemepro layouts or at least becomes irrelevant but we do need modules positions ! In yoothemePro there is just a few module positions, so you can't put a dynamic seblod list module somewhere on your pages. You have to do it INSIDE the pagebuilder which means on each article: bye bye automatic pages !
  • youthemepro is incompatible with SEBLOD since both of them store datas in the article. When you use SEBLOD you no longer works with com_content but with com_cck. The pagebuilder buttons ond info no longer appears there

for me a complete failure and we need to find another templates framework: any suggestions ?



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4229 Posts
1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


Nice question

Nice answer

I have been looking for an alternative to Rockettheme, Yootheme and a few others. 

36 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


I use Purity III from Joomlart, it works fine with seblod.

I think all template build with T3 Framework works fine.

85 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Gantry 5

8 years ago
Level 2


We used Gantry a few years ago but we droped it because it was too heavy too slow and used Mootools


85 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

Hi Cyril,

in Gantry 5 things seem to be changed. Have a look to the last two comments on this page: rockettheme blog

  • What JavaScript framework Gantry 5 is using? Mootools or Jquery?

  • It's not using either, but works with both! We have our own lightweight javascript where needed, but on the frontend, this is very minimal by default.

Maybe you can give it a second chance...


1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 4

Hi Luca

With Gantry 5 what framework do you use for Javascript, Joomla's BS2, or do you add BS3,  etc...

Do you do that with the plugin method? and what front end editing are able to do because Gantry 5 is all back-end isn't it?


85 Posts
8 years ago
Level 5

Hi Jon,

i use Hydrogen base template for front-end and customize it for my customer needs.

Gantry includes BS2 in order to properly support Joomla's output.


1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 6


Interesting you say that...

I am at the point of going back to BS2, stop trying to fight Joomla with BS3.

For me it seems I need to use Bootstrap2 or use a really over the top template framework like Gantry etc that try to disguise or hide Joomla....



36 Posts
8 years ago
Level 7

Hi Jon,

If you prefer don't use framework template  and use BootStrap2 on frontend, look at this template from Joomlart.

I personally use purity III for my project but Master Bootstrap looks very interesting too...

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 8


I think BS2 is getting old now, there is better out there. Feels like a it of an IE situation....

I am wondering if UiKit has any issues / conflicts with BS2 - in particular front end editing and Seblod Email field submission.

27 Posts
Vio Cassel
8 years ago
Level 1

Hi Cyril,

What a front-end framework you plan to use for projects? UIkit, Bootstrap, Foundation, Semantic UI, ...?

Yes, there are some Joomla! template frameworks:

But I don't think you need those template frameworks if you create a specific website for a customer. Much faster to create your own Joomla! template using any front-end framework without problems. The above template frameworks are more suitable to create Joomla! templates for sale or for users who do not have the skills for web development.

I think for you as for developer, it is no problem to create a blank template and use for any project. On GitHub there are such examples.

I personally stopped using template frameworks for clients. They don't need it.


8 years ago
Level 1


thanks for all these replies. After years of using a template framework (warp) we are considering dropping it and go with a much lighter template we would use in all our projects.

since Joomla comes with BootStrap 2 is it safe to use https://www.masterbootstrap.com/  ?



4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Masterboostrap overrides javascript output by joomla. Also comes with some html overrides for core Joomla, if you need to change markup for some component you can add you own overrides.

1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

Hi Klas and everyone else.

So if any of you use Master Bootstrap 3, do you have any sites with a contact form?

And if so, have you tried it on a browser - within an app - on a mobile phone?

Interested to see if you have same experience as me


A vanilla Master Bootstrap 3 as the template applied...
...Submit form on front end...
...Failure - does not work on a browser within an app on a mobile phone [iPhone 5] (desktop does)
A vanilla Protostar as the template applied...
...Submit form on front end...
...Success - does work on a browser within an app on a mobile phone</p>

The app I used:

Documents by Readdle


Facebook app is the only one so far that works.... but only if I dismiss any popover that might show...


4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

have you tried it on a browser - within an app - on a mobile phone

No, I haven't sorry. But it is possible that you will need to modify some javascript as Seblod JavaScript was written for boostrap2, I just haven't experienced any issues beside the need to change markup sometimes.

1283 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2


Thanks Klas... I think that must be the answer to my woes...

Has confirmed that I need to convert my site to BS2....

Appreciate the reply


7 years ago
Level 1

SO did anyone encounter some compatibility issues with Joomla 3.6 / SEBLOD and MasterBoostrap please ?

By the way how would you compare MasterBootstrap with http://www.joostrap.com/ ?



99 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Hello Cyril,

I have the opportunity to use Master Bootstrap with Joomla 3.6.4 and Seblod (3.8 or 3.9 when I started the project and now updated to the current version).

I have not experienced any incompatibility.

But there is a little thing I find annoying with Master Bootstrap menu (this is yet not related to Seblod): you can quickly see sub menu items before they were hidden in the menu bar. This happens as a blink effect.

You can see this in the official site of Master Bootstrap but only with Chrome and IE (as far as I remember); in Firefox everything is ok.
Click on main menu links and see how sub menu items (under Joomla link) are blinking.
But may be it is an easy to solve problem.

I've also tried a Joostrap template (but not with Seblod) a year ago.
I can remember that there is a JS incompatibility which prevent smart search autocompletion to work well.
And it seems that there is no new realese or update since a long time.

For now I'm working with T3 Framework (I find it a bit complicated) and BL4NK from BloogerSchmidt (https://github.com/Bloggerschmidt/Blank-Bootstrap-Edition/releases). I like this one because it is very simple (it is not a framework that add layers or new syntax but rather a bare template).

Hope I could help.


7 years ago
Level 3

Hi Simon

thanks for your testimony. Maybe we can fix this menu glitch but mainly our concern is would this template allow various menu styles or are we blocked with always the same menu style/animation ?

Is it possible to use BS3 classes and avoid installing additional menu modules for each template we would produce ?



99 Posts
7 years ago
Level 4

Hi Cyril,

I'm not sure to well understand what you mean by "we blocked with always the same menu style/animation ?".

If I well remember, MasterBootstrap comes with mmenu jquery library to manage offcanvas menu on small screen (I think Joostrap templates too).

Yes you can add BS3 classes (in you index.php file or directly in Seblod Typo…), override component views, create module positions, add your own css styles (MasterBootstrap is using SASS). It is a full comptible Joomla! template.



7 years ago
Level 5


What I meant is that we mainly select the template we want for each project according to some key elements such as the menu style.

This is why warp templates were convenient. Every month a new template was out. Same warp (or so) but with a different menu style and animation.

now we are looking for a lighter architecture we could master at 100%. If we go with MasterBootstrap I fear that we loose the ability to propose various menu styles and animations with the same template.

We can't have both ends I know but I'm trying to figure out the best architecture for a webagency



4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 6

As a web developer you can create new menu styles and any other style variation yourself, this is what boostrap is made for - to ease development. Masterboostrap offers the same features as Boostrap 3 and nothing more. 

If you are looking for readymade solutions you need to use one of templates that come with style variations and or use additional extensions e.g. for menu

99 Posts
7 years ago
Level 6


MasterBootstrap comes with BS3 basic styles (buttons, labels…) but that's all. It is a naked template.

If you want to add your own menu system, I think it is a good choice.
But you will need to add it by hand (add a new js library, override Joomla! menu module…).

You will need to create your own design too.
It seems to be a big change in your method: instead of choosing a design in a 'catalog of templates', you will need to create mockups (with Sketch or Adobe XD) and corresponding css styles. More works than using a 'catalog' template but I find it is a more interresting way.



127 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

In terms of design MasterBootstrap is quite a step back from Yootheme Warp 7 themes. - I am looking for quality design templates as a replacement for Warp 7. - Any suggestions?

Kind regards,


7 years ago
Level 2

Yes Bernhard

I would add this template should be mobile first as well


4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

There is no step back, it is a base template for web agencies that develop sites based on custom designs. It serves completely different purpose.

127 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

Hi Klas, hi cyril,

Don't get me wrong. I use the MasterBootstrap for one of my clients, too. - It is excellent, if you wan't to realize your own design ideas. - With Yootheme Warp 7 I got excellent and ready to use designs (Fonts, Colors, Spacings etc.) - based on solid frameworks (Warp 7, UIKit). - 

- Why is it so complex to use Yootheme Pro with Seblod together (i.e. both use the article introtext field - will this change on Seblod side with Joomla 3.7 custom fields?)

- You suggest MasterBootstrap. Why not use the Warp 7 / UIkit instead? - There are a couple of great templates available - in terms of design much more ready to use than MasterBootstrap.

- What alternative template clubs could you Seblod users suggest - where I can buy layout/design inspirations - based on solid and scalable frontend frameworks?

99 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2


If you're searching out of the box template, may I suggest JoomlArt templates.
I have worked several times with T3 Framework which is the template framework JoomlArt has developped for its templates.
T3 framework is based on BS3 so templates made with it are mobile first.
I think that JoomlaBamboo templates are also made with T3 Framework.

Hope that helps


7 years ago
Level 1

Hi all

To SimonD : now we use Warp7 templates but anyway spend a lot of time in the custom design for each customer. We very rarely use the warp7 template out of the box so the basic interrest of using already made templates is near to zero !

In the same time Warp7 adds so much complexity to the front end. So we combined both problems: complexity and custom design.

This is why I'm looking for a much lighter version. we will continue to propose custom designs anyway but on a more flexible architecture.



164 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Since a couple of Days Yootheme Pro support Joomla Styles. Confirm this, did a short try.

127 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Since July 2017 it's no problem any longer to use Seblod with Yootheme Pro together. They provide a J!Module Element for their Builder, where you can add any Module (i. e. Seblod Module) you want.

7 years ago
Level 1


yes these are real improvements but it doesn't change the fact that the number of positions is very limited since the new approach is to embedd everything inside the contents!

this is the PAGE BUILDER approach that makes youtheme pro fully CMS independant (wordpress/joomla). However Joomla IS menu driven! Every rule is related to the menu items.

Breaking this rule makes something very weird.

Moreover the page builder and the seblod plugin conflict each other: without seblod the article editor allows you to embed the page builder but once you have seblod you no longer work with com_content but com_cck and the pagebuidler is gone


127 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Hi Cyril,

for a moment forget about the Page Builder. For people thinking from the database side, the Page Builder is a very strange animal. ;-) 

But it is not just Yootheme going this direction - JoomlaArt is doing the same with its Site Builder. -  It is important to understand: building a website with Yootheme Pro you do not need to use the Page Builder! - You can uses the Page Builder on single pages only, anyways. It's not possible to use it on Blogs (directly) as well as on Seblod content.

Anyways, the Builder approach - with its "Elements" - is quite interesting and offers amazing flexibility and improved my development speed quite a bit. Since summer 2017 Yootheme offers the Builder (don't confuse with the Page Builder) as a Joomla module. - There things starts to get very interesting.

You may use the Builder in all Joomla positions - i. e. in the Top or Bottom position: this way it is very easy and fast to construct (or rather configure) complex Footer sections; on multi-language sites you must ignore the Yootheme Pro Footer anyways (it won't work) - and construct your footer with the Builder in the Bottom section. - There are two Builder Elements very interesting for Seblod developers: J! Module and J! Position. This way it is possible to plug in Seblod content anywhere. This Yootheme Pro Elements works on Builder and Page Builder.

When you understood the concept of the Builder things gets quite exciting. You won't miss Joomla positions any longer. - I move all my new - and some old - projects towards Yootheme Pro. The layout and design is still first class. - I use Google AdWords for quite a couple of projects - and I appreceate to be able to easily create ad specific stunning looking landing pages. - The way you may handle background-images and stretch them if you like is a WOW. In addition to that I just noticed that with Yootheme Pro I have much more time to spend on content and not on programming HTML, CSS and JavaScript; at least 30% more efficient than WARP 7.

Give it a try.

Best Bernhard

7 years ago
Level 1


Thanks but the main concern is about the way you define rules. Classicaly everything is set according the page ie the url =  the menu item. 

Advanced module manager no longer work with yoothemepro since the positions are lost.

So you no longer can hide or display modules according to fine rules you had with advanced module manager. This is just an example how the whole new approach breaks things 


127 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Hi Cyril,

I use the Advanced Module Manager, too. - You can use all fine rules of the Module Manager to show or hide Modules, even if you do use Modules with the J! Module Element of the Builder; ... and of course most Module positions are still there.

Things are changing, especially in Frontend development. Yootheme Pro tries to keep up with this development, this is obvious. - Anyways, Yootheme did a disastrous  job on communicating Yootheme Pro. - I was swearing on them for almost a year. - As you, I am not happy with all their technical design decisions. - 

After working with Yootheme Pro on a couple of projects, at least I can understand their point of view - its worth a recheck. 


6 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1


Did you find the ideal component?


6 years ago
Level 2

Hi Flo

What we chose is to switch to joomshaper template framework for the moment. Joomshaper has some advantages over Warp / YoothemePro:

* for simple websites you have a powerfull page builder as you have with YoothemePro: this is a very easy and fast way to build simple sites

* on the contrary to YoothemePro the page builder and the framework doesn't replace the native joomla menu system / module positions. This was a very disturbing issue with warp pro

* it is compatible with seblod

* it is based on Bootstrap 4 which is the CSS framework chosen for Joomla4

But we may also use in house custom BS4 based templates for larger projects and the coming of J4


6 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

Ok, thanks for your feedback !

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