9 years ago

Hello all,

I add custom fields, but on the front end they don't show up.  This is probably something simple that I am doing wrong.  Can anyone help me to understand why?  When I go into the backend the custom fields option is turned off again.

Many thanks,

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1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Eoin

Some screen shots or more info would be helpful.

What do you mean by "custom fields option is turned off again"?



9 years ago
Level 2

Here I set the I custom data.  I use "data-heat".  The others are things like quite spicey, very spicy, not spicey.  I followed this video https://www.seblod.com/resources/videos/playing-with-custom-attributes.  I'm not sure if I am doing something wrong, when I open up the field again the custom attributes box is unticked.

When I look on the front end with Firebug I can't see "data-heat" in my code.

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Eoin

First off, if I save and close the Form & Content Type, then open it again, the custom attributes checkbox is unchecked, but the data is still there ie I can see the data again when I check the checkbox.

In the 1st of the 6 boxes within the Custom Attributes section I put: data-options.

In the first of the 6 boxes within each option of my select list, I put My Option 1, My Option 2, My Option 3 for the 1, 2, and 3rd option.

And the front end worked:

My select list is:

<select id="select_me" name="select_me" class="inputbox select">
	<option value="" data-options="" selected="selected">- Select an Option -</option>
	<option value="opt1" data-options="My Option 1">Option 1</option>
	<option value="opt2" data-options="My Option 2">Option 2</option>
	<option value="opt3" data-options="My Option 3">Option 3</option>

So maybe it is a cache thing, have you tried it on a fresh install, do you get the same result?


9 years ago
Level 2

For each item, with a radio button, only one option can be checked.

On the item content, should the custom attribute appear?

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1


Busy at minute so any help I can give has to be postponed bit just wanted it known that I was still interested..  hope someone can help you out. 


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