I wish I can share with you some thoughts about the general search feature we all have in our websites and the connection with Joomla/Seblod. So far we have three ways to propose a general search in a web site:
* the joomla search (search) component : the old well known feature but without autosuggestion, relevance ordering and indexation
* the advanced search (finder): this time with all these new features but mostly on the articles only (which is not a problem with Seblod since every seblod content is a joomla article)
* the seblod search (with the search generic plugin for example)
* external search (such as Google Custom Search but many others exist)
The joomla classic search is a toy, we don't consider it here.
The joomla finder is much better but the SEF urls that are generated on the results are mostly wrong since the Joomla router only knows standard joomla menu items and not the seblod lists! Hopefully the new Joomla router that is being developped will help here but not yet.
External search engines are very easy to implement (just copy a few lines in a custom module) and work on the generated pages, not from the Joomla database. They don't have the difficulty to rebuild the right sef url from the results since they only display existing real pages urls. However you have to pay for it.
Seblod search solutions are very flexible but once you get the seblod list of the results you still have to rebuild the right urls for each content. The SEE link plugin can't be used since you don't know the final menu item to use from the start. it has to be dynamic. This is why we developp the dynamic menu link plugin at http://www.pulsar-informatique.com/telechargements-gratuits/dynamic-view-link-plugin
But what are your solutions please ?