9 years ago

i am disappointed at the lack of learning material.   It is very poor. creating content relationships doesnt even work if i follow the video. It is a great shame no one is sharing their knowledge. The learning curve could be a lot less steep. There is udemmy people can make tutorials. 

*Edit by Admin* - I have changed the subject of this post to be something that's more respectful and constructive, but still with the same general meaning. James.

Get a Book for SEBLOD
572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Steviec1,

We have some of the most comprehensive documentation (video and written manuals) for beginners and intermediate users of any CCK available for Joomla. Please take a look at all the resources on our Manuals page. http://www.seblod.com/resources/manuals

We don't have a manual for "creating content relationships" - I think maybe you've found a video there on YouTube that a user (possibly me) made some years ago. Please don't be surprised if some YouTube videos aren't kept up to date as users volunteer their time to create them. However, if you are referring to my video, there should be nothing wrong with that approach, as many people have used it without issue before.



9 years ago
Level 2

Dear James,

Would you be interested in doing it for me for 50 euros, to work on my website through TeamViewer for example, while me recording the screen,  and make me a list of the User's articles according to the content type?

Best Regards,


9 years ago
Level 3

I want the list to only show the Current logged in user's articles created by him.  want to be de displayed on his profile page. 

Thank you. I

9 years ago
Level 4


We have some of the most comprehensive documentation (video and written manuals) for beginners and intermediate users of any CCK available for Joomla. Please take a look at all the resources on our Manuals page. http://www.seblod.com/resources/manuals"

It looks impressive but unfortunately it tends to include a lot of descriptions of what one can see on the screen (and is rather obvious) while omitting much more important information. For example the tutorial on creating a contact form completely omits to give any information on creating the individual fields - they just appear as if by magic!

When I try and create the fields I click '+' and get a new form which I complete to specify the field but it then refuses to 'Save&Close' or 'Close' with no meaningful indication as to what as wrong - all that is indicated is a message black box above the Name field which says "*Available". Is this documented anywhere? Most modules, even free ones, include context help, sadly this is largely missing in SEBOLD.

I do appreciate that this is a free module but I am puzzled why anyone would put so much effort into creating such incomplete documentation.

9 years ago
Level 5

Hi Mikey,

Please be respectful and apply forum rules:

#1 Your message must begin with something like that: "Hi, Hello.."
#2 Your message must end with something like that: "Thanks, Thank you.."
#3 You must give as much details as possible about your question/issue..

If you need more information about to create a field, find the manual which is speaking about this! http://www.seblod.com/resources/manuals/going-further/adding-3-custom-fields-to-a-joomla-article

In regards of what you say when you're creating a field. It seems that the AJAX validation of the field name doesn't work correctly on your website. Please try to create another field with some different name. If not working please try on Joomla native + SEBLOD native (to see if it's not an issue with some other extensions that you have on your website). No know issue about this.


9 years ago
Level 6

Hi Bes

Many thanks for your reply and for pointing out my omissions! You are quite correct to do so!

Will investigate further but I have a virgin site running on XAMPP with almost nothing installed other than two templates and the JCE editor. 

Running latest version of PHP etc that came with XAMPP ysterday and JOOMLA 3.4.1

I was able to create text fields with names 'test' and 'name' but not 'name' or 'name1'

Thanks again for your fast reply!


9 years ago
Level 7

Hi Bes

I have removed the JCE editor and one of the two templates I had installed and switched to using one of default templates that comes with JOOMLA, so will do another virgin install to test SEBLOD in JOOMLA as is.



9 years ago
Level 8


Found the fault I think and happy to hold my hand up - I had edited the php.ini file to set max_input_vars to 3000 but had not noticed it was noted out and hence the change was having no effect. After I corrected this it appears to work, if I sound cautious its only because I have only done one test.


9 years ago
Level 9


Sad to report that the fix I reported above is just a coincidence, I tried to add an 'email' field (both a text and as type email) and again was unable to save&close. Switch back to the clean install of Joomla3.4.1 plus Seblod only - no other extensions added nor any changes to the default setup and got exactly the same fault.

Any thoughts? 



52 Posts
9 years ago
Level 10


I experience the same problem time to time. When I click to save&close or save&new button, ajax loading icon is appearing but nothing seems to happen. When I click cancel button. I see my field saved in the right column of the page but not included in the position. So, the field is actually created and usable.

As I said, I experience this problem time to time and it might be caused by session cookies. I recommend deleting cookies and browser cache and try again.


572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 4

Hi Stevie,

To achieve this you need to use Live Values. You want to have a SEBLOD list of articles, and in the search form you need the Article Created By field. With that field, you need to apply a Live Value set as User > ID - this will create a filter where it will only show articles created by the currently logged in user.

You can then use a module to display that list of articles on a user's profile page. 



9 years ago
Level 1

Perfect Mike!

Thanks for your feedback.

9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Jes

Sadly not perfect :-)  - see followup post.

With regards Melih's post - sadly that did not help. When I try and create the 'email' field it is not created, even after clearing cache etc




9 years ago
Level 3

I personally have had many issues with xammp and all the LAMP installs for windows, and i honestly dont have the time to config them to work properly, so i just purchased a cheap domain name that was relevant to my business name, and I use this domain name for all my dev and testing.

Best bet, is to install Joomla on a real domain (testing domain), where you will be hosting the site. At least you know the server config is correct in this instance, and thus is much easier to trouble shoot.

By no means am i saying it is xammp, but the issue you have surrounds the absolute core basics of what Seblod is and does...if others were having the same issues, Seblod wouldn't be used at all, so it has to be something specific to your setup.

Since you said you have a clean install of Joomla 3.4.1, the only thing that comes to mind is xammp.

Also, I to find the tutorials lacking (mainly for people who are just starting out). There could be more explanation of exactly how the person reached the settings that are present in the screen shots given in tutorials. But.....Seblod is not for the novice user, and if people dont have the time to invest in spending many hours learning, they probably should try something else, as Seblod is complex.

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Greetings everyone,

Thanks for the feedback on the manuals. I think it's worth noting that there is a different in what we call "Manuals" and what we call "Tutorials".

Manuals are intended to showcase particular functionality of the software, and explain how to use it. They are meant to be viewed in sequence, and a lot of thought and effort has gone in to their structure. We have not created each manual to be viewed in isolation as you are suggesting. If you don't understand about the configuration in one manual, then the chances are you have missed a previous manual that explains that.

Tutorials are different. Tutorials are intended to run you through the exact steps, start-to-finish, to achieve a particular outcome or use-case. These are meant to be viewed in isolation and make sense independently of other resources. These are intended more for the community to share their knowledge though, so we encourage users of SEBLOD to help build this knowledge base.

I hope that can clarify a few things. Of course, if there are other questions remaining that the Manuals and Tutorials don't cover, then there's the forums where you can ask a question and get community help!

Kind regards,


9 years ago
Level 2

Hi James

Appreciate your feedback. May I suggest that if the manuals are to be read in order then that is clearly stated on the manual page and that the order of the manuals is clearly marked. I doubt I am the only one to read from top to bottom.

 I would also suggest that where a big chunk of information on how to to do a task is omitted in one manual because it has been previously documented else where it would be good practice to put reference to it.



9 years ago
Level 1


Ok....I have been learning Seblod since the last 3 versions.

When you install Seblod, it checks your php.ini file for:

max_file_uploads = seblod recommended = 50

max_input_vars = seblod recommended = 3000

I just installed version 3.6.0, and I starting trying to add new fields to my form...every time I would save, it would NOT save. It was very frustrating.

My php.ini settings were the same as they have been for the last few months I have been learning Seblod, and I havent had these issues...my settings WERE:

max_file_uploads = 20

max_input_vars = 1000

So I changed these settings to a little more than what Seblod recomends, to:

max_file_uploads = 60

max_input_vars = 5000

And now I don't have any issues...everytime I save, it saves.

So maybe this is your issue?

9 years ago
Level 2


Thanks. I have tried that but no joy. On thing concerns me is that after updating the settings I thought I would try a re-install and so uninstalled SEBLOD using the extension manager but when I went to re-create the app folder I found the original one (created within the uninstalled version of SEBLOD) was still there.

I have checked out the manuals for the 'uninstall' procedure and it is just the usual but it appears to leave something behind. Is this normal - is it a limitation of Joomla or a module when an incomplete uninstall occurs?



9 years ago
Level 3

Hi Mike,

When you uninstall SEBLOD database tables are not deleted to avoid the deletion of data if you make an error.

App folder are in database.


9 years ago
Level 4

Hi Bes

Note many thanks. 


9 years ago
Level 2


I have finally got my test domain up and running and have successfully done what could not be down when running on my localhost via XAMMP. This is obviously good news but as I often work on the web stuff in spare moments when I frequently do not have internet connection it would be good to be able to do so offline using XAMMP. Will ask about this in a seperate thread.

thx for support


9 years ago
Level 1

Dear James,

I turns out that the problem was my installation of Joomla, I've used it for 2,3 years , although upgraded it and for some reason Seblod Search wouldn't work, nor would the content relationships. It works like in the tutorials on the localhost. I was frustrated and ASSUMED the documentation wasn't up to date and steps were missing or I was doing something wrong. Only when I tried to find a freelancer and he asked for 100 dollars to make me a simple search, I tried the localhost and it worked.

I am now rebuilding my website starting with Seblod and making sure it works as I build it.

I'm sorry I said the documentation was poor. It's pretty good. I've made a lot of progress.

Great work and you are a great contributor to all the Seblod fans.

Best Regards

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