11 years ago

Sorry guys for this question, I'm sure I've seen the answer somewhere but just cant find it.

Is there a way to stop new registered users from appearing in the article manager as articles? If so where do I enable it, I've looked in the integration options.

Also if it is possible to do the above, is there any way to remove the articles (users) created before the upgrade to 3.1.? Thanks.

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi Dazza,

Yes, using SEBLOD 3.x the "Bridge" between the user and an article (linked to the user) is not required anymore.

This is just an option, you can choose to enable or disable it... this depends of your needs.

- Without Bridge:

Users can be created, edited, managed, using Form & List views.

Any custom field can be added to User Profiles.

This mode will do just great for most of the websites.

- With Bridge:

Same features as "Without Bridge" + the following..

Each time a User is created, an Article will also be added automatically.. and both will be linked.

The Article will bring a Content View for User's page/profile, will allow the Route, and will give "natively" much more control over the Lists.. (access, hits, publish_up, publish_down, ..)

You can also define some values and how the title is going to be generated..

In order to enable/disable it, go to the Plug-in Manager > edit CCK Storage Location - Joomla! User > Basic Options.



11 years ago
Level 2


I've just tested this and it seems to work great in "without bridge" mode. Just a quick follow up question.

I was just wondering if I'm in without bridge mode I'm I safe to remove articles for the users that registered prior to switching to "without bridge" mode. Or should I never do that?

Thanks again.

11 years ago
Level 3

Hello Dazzan

It is hard to answer if it is safe or not, since we don't have access to your site, but what I can say and what I've done, is, to replicate the site on my localhost as a test site, and try to delete all the related content users articles. Than I went and made sure if everything was working all right. If was ok, than I applied the same to the site...

Paulo Griiettner

11 years ago
Level 4


Thanks that makes total sense, to my sightly silly question. I'll test local and than see.

Once again thanks.

10 years ago
Level 2
It seems the EDIT ICON on the BRIDGE article is wrong (at least for us)

We created a special user type (myUserType) with extra fields.

I understand that once you have activated the BRIDGE plugin a content is created and if you create a joomla profile menu item it will be redirected to the com_content displaying the bridge content so that you can see all your extra fields.
so far so good!

But the EDIT icon that is displayed on this bridge article is
which doesn't work with a 403 error message.
Normally with a seblod content this link should be redirected to
(since the user id is 475)

Do you know why the edit link is not redirected to the com_cck form as it is with all any other seblod content ?

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Saba, Please,

0 - - What's happen if I enable the Bridge on an existing site ? Is Profile Article created also for the yet registered users ? (Maybe asking them to edit their profile?!?!)
1 - "will allow the Route": so, a well SEF URL rewriting like for example mydomain.com/name-lastname (with SD Concat field) can be done just with the Bridge enabled. Am I right ?
2 - "access": so, we can set Profile Article access/visibility just for a specific User Group. Am I right ?
3 - "publish_up, publish_down": so, if we have a User paid Subscription ACL User Group, we can publish up/publish down his Profile Article every time he pay and activate subscription / and every time his subscription ends. Am I right
4 - "You can also define some values" - What do you mean exactly ?

Many Thanks for help and support!
PS Have examples with/without bridge on the new demo site would be a great thing :)
1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Hi joomleb

some interesting questions :)

Do you know the answers yet?

11 years ago
Level 1


That is great. Thanks for responding so quickly and clearly.



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