7 years ago


My previous post on this topic here has been deleted and on the github I've been answered there is no bug, so I must ask the community what I'm doing wrong here!

On joomla 3.8.1 + SEBLOD 3.15.0 with the bridge ACTIVATED

When I create a "Joomla user profile" menu item , when you click on it the itemId is automatically reverted to the homepage itemID !!

The link is /index.php?option=com_users&view=profile&Itemid=110 but when you click on it &Itemid=110 is replaced by &Itemid=101 (homepage)

As I understand since the profile page actually displays a bridge article, Joomla tries to find the menuitem as it always did. Since Joomla can't find a direct link to the article or a list/blog on the user category, it reverts to the homepage. The SEBLOD setting that sets the profile menu item should be there to prevent such a scenario I guess.

Unfortunately even if you set the profile item id in the SEBLOD settings the issue remains

Can someone TEST please ?:  

1- activate the bridge

2- create a new user

3- create a "Joomla user profile" menu item , 

4-log in on the front 

5- click on the joomla user profile menu item

6- check the url where you are redirected to. You will see the itemID is reverted to the homepage itemID EVEN if you set the user profile menu item in the SEBLOD integration options.

... or, I just forgot something !!



Get a Book for SEBLOD
1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Hi Cyril

I repeated your steps:

Here is my menu item when logged in:


My breadcrumb is:

You are here: Home  Users  Joomla User - 166

If I click on Profile Link my url is (with Search Engine Friendly URLs turned off):


Itemid101 is my home menu, profile menu id is 103

7 years ago
Level 2


Thanks for testing! So you confirm there is a problem! 

The itemID should be 103, not 101 !

I posted this issue on https://github.com/Octopoos/SEBLOD/issues/463 where I've been told that there is no problem. All our tests (and now yours) show there is a real problem. Either this is a bug or we forgot something !!

Thanks again for your help


4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

Turn SEF on.

1283 Posts
7 years ago
Level 4

Hi Klas

  • I renamed htaccess.txt to .htaccess.
  • Turned on "Search Engine Friendly URLs"
  • Turned on "Use URL Rewriting"

When I click on 'User Profile' menu item I stay on itemid=101...

site com_content view-article no-layout no-task itemid-101

I don't understand routing at the best of times, still don't :)

7 years ago
Level 1


Of course we know we have to turn ON the SEF options but we just turned it OFF to show the problem (the wrong itemID).

Even with the SEF option ON we see the issue: Joomla is lost and doesn't know which menu item to hang on.

The issue seems to be confirmed: the router does not read the SEBLOD setting



7 years ago
Level 2


Can someone else test the scenario I wrote above please ?

1- activate the bridge

2- create a new user

3- create a "Joomla user profile" menu item ,

4-in the SEBLOD settings, integration tab : select this new menu item for the "Profile Menu Item" option

5-log in on the front

6- click on this newly created joomla user profile menu item

7- check the url where you are redirected to. Joomla is lost and doesn't know which itemID to use. You will see the itemID is reverted to the homepage itemID EVEN if you set the user profile menu item in the SEBLOD integration options.

... or, I just forgot something !!


99 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

Hello Cyril,

I will test your workflow.

But I have one question:
why do you create a 'Joomla! user profile' menu item?
In Joomla!, doesn't the user be redirected to his profile after logged in by default?

Have you tried with the 'Edit user profile' menu item?


7 years ago
Level 4

Hi Simon

Thank you for helping.

We are talking here about the native joomla profile menu item because, at least this is what I understood, in the SEBLOD settings, integration tab you have to select such a menu item for the "Profile Menu Item" option

We don't want to EDIT the account but just to see the acount info. The trouble here is that SEBLOD uses an ARTICLE (with the bridge activated) so that Joomla needs a menu item pointing to this content (but there is none).

When you click on the joomla user profile menu item you are correctly redirected to the content view of the bridge article ... but without any itemID.

This is why SEBLOD allows you to define the menu item to use when Joomla/seblod displays this bridge article.

But I can't make it work

Please follow all the steps above and tell us if you have the same issue or if I forgot something !



99 Posts
7 years ago
Level 5

Hello Cyril,
I've tested and can confirm that for me as well the user profil page is given the same itemid as the home page.


7 years ago
Level 6

Hi Simon

Great!, the next step is on the GITHUB as Klas said, please.



4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Ok, figured out what your problem is, you are trying to use what is basically a single article itemid and this indeed doesn't work. Use any menu that belongs to list and it will work, e.g. in your case most logical would be users list.

7 years ago
Level 1

This is very weird !

As usual  we need to attach CSS classes, module on/ff display rules on menu items. This is how Joomla works everywhere.

Now we have to attach these rules to some artificial menu item which also creates a more complex URL:

Instead of just /my-profile we now have /list/user-account which gives the access to /list to robots and users, which we don't want.


4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Please continue discussion on the tracker, bugs belong there. 

7 years ago
Level 3

Thanks Klas, I agree , this is a real issue (https://github.com/Octopoos/SEBLOD/issues/463) 


7 years ago
Level 1


Yes I can confirm. I have the same problem. The User Profile link does not work, when I click on the user profile link joomla automaticly root to the Home (index.php) site.

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 2

Have you set profile menu in Seblod configuration?

7 years ago
Level 1

Yes I did it. Profile Menu is set to the Menu "Profile" which is linked to -> User -> User Profile.
For the Super Admin (I know it is not created with Seblod registration form) when I click the Profile menu item, the standard joomla user profile is displayed -> OK.

So what I was doing is. I have activated the user bridge. Then I have created with Seblod registration form a new user. Automatically when a user is saved in the database then an article with the username as title is created -> Also OK.

But now when I'm logged in with the previously with Seblod registration form created user and click on the menu item Profile then I see the Start page and in the url address field I get www.placeholder.de/placeholder/placeholder/8-users/6-username.

I'm not able to get the User content view...

7 years ago
Level 2


this is what we wrote previsouly. As Klas mentioned the SEBLOD user profile setting only accepts a SEBLOD list to the user content type.

Doing so we can actually master the menuitem that is used when we click on the joomla profile menu.

the trouble is BACK when we want to EDIT the user account in front end because SEBLOD/Joomla will use the SAME menu item to display and edit the user account, that is the menu item (seblod list) you set in the SEBLOD integration tab.

In our case we have 

* menu item1: a seblod menu item pointing to a seblod form to create the account 

* menu item2: a seblod list that displays the users and gives access to the page detail for each user account : this is the menu item we set in the seblod integration tab

* menu item3: a joomla profile edit menu item to EDIT the account 

ISSUE: the CSS we define on the  joomla profile edit menu item (menu item 3) is never read since seblod/joomla only uses the menu item 2

ideally we would need a THIRD menu item in the seblod integration tab to separate the display and the editing of the user account



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