178 Posts
10 years ago
I have categories with articles in it and i want to use seblod list`s to list both of them. 
I have created two seachtypes, one to list categories and other to list articles.
So the question is how can i get !!! user freandly url/link !!! from list of categories to list of articles of some category?
As a result i want to get something like joomla default menu item "list of all categories".
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178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Can anybody help a little
4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

you can add a link to Content on e.g. on category name -go to List (or Item if you are using blog template) tab and click on button 2 (Link&Typography). Now you can add link to Content->View to see items in this category or link to your List/Search articles list type.
178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi. Thank you for answer.. But i already know how to apply link to field and do more advanced think with seblod. Maybe my question was no clear enought.
I will try one more time.

I have very typical structure on my site:

Category 1 ( standart seblod content type "category")
--article 1-1 (
--article 1-2
Category 2 ( standart seblod content type "category")
--article 2-1
--article 2-2

I have two search types:
Searchtype 1 - list categories ( have just one filed in search tab - "CCK" with live value as "category")
Searchtype 2 - list articles
And i want to get link from this list to another wich will list articles from specific category ( if i click on category 1 title i will go to page with list of articles from category 1).

Klas, about your answer:

If i apply Content->View link on some fied in frirst list i get link lype
This link work only if i switch off SEF in general settings and dont work if i switch ON (i get 404 error).

If i apply List/Search link i get link just to list type with all articles from all categories.
If i apply List/Search link type on cat_id field in first list and in setting of link i set field as custom and set art_catid i get link like
In second seach type i add article category field and set live value to varieble and set art_catid.
In this way i get it work.. but no SEF.

So the question is the same:
How can i get SEF link from categories list to list of articles from specific category?
Maybe i have to use live plugin to catch value

10 years ago
Level 1

Can anybody help? I have the same quastion.

How to make article category id as a link to specific search type with specific category?


178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Welcom to seblod forum.

I did not solve this. So for know i dont know way to do that.

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3


you basically need to do 3 things

  1. Link your category name to list&search type using button 2 on the right
  2. Pass id as catid to the link, see attached tutorial
  3. Use passed caid value as live value in the search type
10 years ago
Level 4

Hello everybody. 

I've added new text field to Admin form and Content views of my content type. Then, for this field I've choosed Link + Custom. In Construction form-text I've written alias of menu item that i need. It works. But I don't understand how to automize process of substitution alias of menu item that belongs to article catid. Where to put value of art_catid?

Admin form view   http://i61.tinypic.com/flhbit.png[/IMG]

Content view      http://i61.tinypic.com/faye80.png[/IMG]


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