9 years ago

Hello, Seblod community.

I recently discover on this topic the possibility of create an article automatically when a new user is created.

The Enable bridge option in the CCK Storage Location - Joomla! User plugin is really fantastic, but I need to know more about it.

What kind of content is this generated article?

When I access those articles, only content is of kind ::cck::#::/cck::

Can I set the content type and decide which user fields are displayed?

Can I create a new type of content that is automatically created with each new user?

Thanks in advance

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2 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


with bridge enabled, the user article is created automatically according to the Content View of the 'User' Form & Content Type; here you cad add all fields you want.

You can also create your own 'My-Users' content type and use 'My-Users' Content view.

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