11 years ago


is there a way how I can make archived articles in Joomla render with SEBLOD?

For a project I need to have links to archived articles grouped by month, just like with the standard J! archived articles module.

I am familiar with cutom templates and know some PHP maybe someone can point me in the right direction, thank you.

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Dear Devs and fellow forum users,

this is a major drawback for my work (don't know about others).

How can we make SEBLOD integrate with archived articles? Or what can be the workaround?

My thoughts for a workaround:

  • build a list of month that have articles in a SEBLOD list module to make it look like a standard  archived articles module
  • make the month in the list module have links that point to a search/list view that pulls articles in a date range
  • the links in the month-module have to pass the URL paramters for the date range
The problem that I have with this solution: I don't know how to pass the parameters in the URL.

Lets say, we have one param for date_start and one for date_end. We could pass these to the search view where we search for the date range in art_created.

I would really appreciate to get some imput from you SEBLOders on how to best tackle this. Thank you.

45 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Just add the "Article Status" field in your search form, in the hidden position.
Then, in the module you created, assign the right dynamic value for this field, depending of the status of the articles you want to be listed :


So, for your archived module, your value would be 2.


10 years ago
Level 1

Thank you, mato, for your suggestion but this isn't working in my case.

What I need is a monthly display of articles. And I need to have a module that works like the standard Joomla Archived Article module. It puts out a list of all month with archived articles. When you click on a month in that module, all archived articles of that month are listed in the content view.

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