251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
11 years ago

If you're type of person who pay attention to extra detail to gain better satisfaction to your client.. this tips might help you...

This tips will change the plain article icon with custom icon 

Interested ?

Well.. it's easy to set custom icon for you content type.. all controlled in Apps Folder:

1. Create new App Folder for content type

2. Set the media icon

Current limitation ? it simply because the icon related to App Folder where it contain the content type.. so (as for now) , the icon is not related directly with content type.. When you create 20 content type, you need to build 20 App Folder for it... should i say 'patience pays ?'

As new forum doesn't allow me to embed images in a post.. you might see the explaination with images here: http://joomlamastery.com/18-custom-icon-for-client

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10 years ago
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30 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

It seems you can also use absolute path from the root of the website like /images/app_ico/myicon.png for exemple.

Easier when you want to take your apps from a website to another imo.

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