106 Posts
10 years ago

Hi all

I think it is worth to start thread with things/options/etc what SEBLOD can't do. And it can't do a lot of things. No reason to use such CCK to learn for weeks and months to get work simple catalogues and listing (if you get it to work of course).

Just to be honest, it is much easier to buy paid CCK and just make things work, rather than on simple tasks lose your time which costs money by the way. And this becomes very serious.

CCK should be easy and help is needed only on complex things, which you can't find in manuals ... if you have one. For now simple things are already complex with SEBLOD, so what to do with complex things in future?

  • Tag system by SEBLOD (except included Joomla tags) is useless, so it is not possible (not working with Select Dynamic, with Select Multiple), if you make it with Select-Dynamic and with countries table ... your brain will blow up to make it work.
  • Multilanguage features is somewhere between work/doesn't work. The same for Multilanguage Search. So it mostly DOESN'T WORK
  • Search possibilities, mostly working. Search from Select-Multiple fields  by Select-Simple  DOESN'T WORK.
  • Ajax sliders for prices or similar ... never saw any working, nor any example.
  • renderFields in one row. DOESN'T WORK
  • "Read more" button as text field or checkbox with link on it doesn't after work with bootstrap. Button Free doesn't provide Read more function. This in my mind should be one of the base elements of CCK. DOESN'T WORK
  • seb_one is NOT responsive, even if you want it so. Choose another template and make override. So it DOESN'T WORK.
  • Categories as links/links with pictures/pictures and then as tag system. To be honest works for only half of cases. And category search by category picture name??? WTF?
  • Help from SEBLOD .. you all know it better.

If you want, you can continue, but fact is that compare "your time value"/"project value"/ and "job you have done". Far from satisfied.


Get a Book for SEBLOD
42 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Really interesting topic.

I like seblod and use it in many situation... but there are here and there dark black holes that need to be "mapped" if not eliminated.

I still have no idea, for example, how are getting along with the group-x list-search... I'll try out later.

85 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


I'm disagree with that :

Tag system by SEBLOD : have not the same function as joomla tags. With Seblod tag you can have a basket with all content type, not just words... (for exemple the ecommerce system on Seblod works with it !)

Multilanguage : you have multiple choice for using multilanguage : multi-site, JTEXT functions...

Search Type : I'm using what you want and it works like a charm ! SelectMultiple in content -> select simple, radio, checkbox in Search type for the same field .

Sliders : I'have created some sliders (slideset, slideshow,...) with jquery, I have interfaced Camera JS, and big jquery sliders for my Seblod website.

renderField : Have you try to using $cck->get('myField')->value , $cck->getTypo('myField'), $cck->getHtml('myField'), $cck->get('myField')->label, or override the CSS ? (float : left)

Seb_one is responsive, my website is RWD, use your own seblod template if you can.

For categories, never the use for me.



106 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

I am ready to say that I was wrong, if you can prove and show examples.

Tag system by SEBLOD : have not the same function as joomla tags. With Seblod tag you can have a basket with all content type, not just words... (for exemple the ecommerce system on Seblod works with it !)

About tags here and here

What is ecommerce system on Seblod, never heard of it? Where it is, can you show it?  You mean build your own? On what manuals and what help based? Suck out everything from finger? This doesn't helped.

Multilanguage : you have multiple choice for using multilanguage : multi-site, JTEXT functions...

Multisite ... for one multilanguage page, this just isn't funny. Do you think that employees at work should run around office to work with excel on one working place, with word on another and so on?

Search Type : I'm using what you want and it works like a charm ! SelectMultiple in content -> select simple, radio, checkbox in Search type for the same field .

Take Country field from User (Select Dynamic, based on DB table countries), make it multiselect in Admin and in Content it will show up Countries selected. Now for these articles make tags on countries so it could be searchable. In search make field Select Dynamic, but not multiselect so it is possible to filter articles by country. And for multilanguage. 

How do you think, why nobody answers me on this question? Because it is possible?

Sliders : I'have created some sliders (slideset, slideshow,...) with jquery, I have interfaced Camera JS, and big jquery sliders for my Seblod website.

I talked about jQuery slider for price filtering (from .. to) in search, please example in studio, never saw any working or solution or description in seblod forums. It is not about pictures slide.

The way that you are saying that you built something doesn't help and doesn't prove that this is possible on seblod while it is not showed, explained and helped others.

renderField : Have you try to using $cck->get('myField')->value , $cck->getTypo('myField'), $cck->getHtml('myField'), $cck->get('myField')->label, or override the CSS ? (float : left) 

Please solution for this

Seb_one is responsive, my website is RWD, use your own seblod template if you can.

No it is not. Here

Yes I can, I already built it with override and bootstrap. At least this solution works. Let's make question more accurate: is seb_one template usable for mobile devices? And it is not.

At the end I can say seblod is as good as its user, but user can't be good if there is no info about seblod. If someone and you made something and you say that it is working then why there are no such solutions? For now SEBLOD with it knowledge base/forums/ solutions is usable for just "simple" things. Build e-commerce on it or booking system ... mission impossible for now.

If you believe that CCK purpose to make catalogue and searches is coding of different things, but not just putting it together than you misunderstand something. Do not want to make advertising, but I worked with several CCKs, take for example ZOO, things what I made now on SEBLOD within month time (field rendering, related products, multilanguage) I can make in ZOO in 1 day. This is the way to work with CCK. I can imagine what I can get more from SEBLOD and never from ZOO, but how is still enigma for me and I think for most of users.

So while there are no help solutions and examples, but just promises and sentences "yes, you can" and "make it by php or js" then it is not working and seblod can't do this.

Now it is balancing on "make your own component" from base and do not use seblod, at least you will not need to fight with stupid little problems without solution.


10 years ago
Level 1


I don't agree with you. We at Pulsar tried many CCKs before switching to Seblod since it was by far the most versatile and powerful CCK we found.

It's true the support is not as high we would like it to be but the product is as complex as powerful. If you only use a CCK for custom lists it's true that Seblod may not be the best choice. And as for the support you still can pay for a pro support.

However we use seblod for all our developpements because we now have a very stable developpment platform with only one extension!

We mostly use Seblod for rich interfaces and complex pages with higly related contents and ajax powered complex forms.

We built our own sliders, tabs /accordions module,  googlemap and calendar views with seblod/jquery. Joomla had never been so stable.

The new code fields are a real big happy surprise since you now can interfere with almost every views with custom PHP/JS code.

JOOMLA = just a CMS

JOOMLA + SEBLOD = an Application Builder

With Seblod you can make design people, front and back developpers work together on the same platform with only one tool.

BUT there are still big holes... which are mostly related to Joomla itself, not to seblod: the way the whole CMS is itemID related (for the com_finder, seo etc...) is a real mess! These awkward categories are from an old time etc etc...

So according to us the real problem comes from the fact that Joomla keeps its own logic since it is not seblod centric.

It may be better with Joomla 3 (we still developp with Joomla 2.5 here, waiting for a more stable version of the CMS) with cannonical urls but the con_finder is still related to the Joomla menu items on categories and still ignores the seblod lists.


106 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hello pulsarinformatique

Firstly I am not talking about common things, but mostly about exact cases. I agree on your point that Joomla without CCK is just Joomla. But only on that.

I am talking about exact cases with Seblod. Exact solutions and help on these cases. While there are open questions without solutions, it means Seblod can't do this. Only thing to do is narrow this list.


10 years ago
Level 1

I won't convice you but at least I can give you our point of view

Look at http://www.sistvo.fr/ with seblod lists as sliders, tabs, accordions with seblod

Tags: With seblod tags can be a content type as any other. It allows us to have a multi storage feature joomla categories can't offer. As for joomla tags, they are great too but you can't extend them. We also use tags and seblod seach lists for ajax powered faceted search features.

Multi language: we have built a multi site /multi language project with seblod last year (these 3 sites are the same joomla: http://www.dbu.univ-paris3.fr/fr/   http://www.bsb.univ-paris3.fr/fr/ and http://www.cadist-anglais.fr/fr/) . It hasn't been easy but it works. Without seblod we just couldn't do it.

Support : the paid support exists if you need it.

etc, etc...

so it's true that working with seblod can only be effective with some good knowledge of PHP / ajax / SQL (as long as responsive CSS) but it's worth choosing it :) We are discovering new possibilities every month.

Again the real bad point according to us  is Joomla itself and the real fact that Seblod is not 100% native Joomla and will never be. Joomla keeps historical weaknesses according to me. So what we try to do is to replace joomla parts with seblod parts projects after projects.


42 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Just a little point... I guess that with "slider" Krkr intended something like an handle to select numeric value in a form, not a news or media slider :)

10 years ago
Level 2

@krkr >>> I agree 100% with u !


sur sistvo.fr ya rien de spécial , les sliders, tabs, accordions sont des fonctionnalités conteneurs intégrés aux templates  (rocket ou yoo ect ...) !  Seblod lui gère le contenu , on peut également intégrés ces conteneurs en override dans les templates seblod.  

par contre faudrait penser à corriger quelques trucs car avec Opéra ça fait désordre !!

>> voir ici

Je l'ai déja dit Seblod c'est une énorme perte de temps en apprentissage car à lui seul ne permet rien de complexe , si vous n'avez pas de connaissances en dev PHP , JAVASCRIPT, SQL  et framework Joomla , c mort !
Après c'est certain que tout dépend de ce que l'on veut faire mais surtout avoir les compétences de le faire soi-même car inévitablement faudra CODER !

Puis j'allais oublier de préciser que même sur cette dernière version seblod ya pas mal de lacunes qui datent ! truc tout bête par exemple 

pour un contenu appelé par un champ Group dans un formulaire , ya pas moyen d'avoir ni la description des champs , ni l'étoile du required et la prise en charge css n'est pas top !
>> rien que ça demande de recoder le plugin group et de revoir les styles css comme ci-dessous:

Group Field recoded demo

Donc en somme Seblod permet de faire pas mal de choses avec une agréable gestion côté backend mais reste médiocre dans l'ensemble des possibilités offertes pour un site dynamique.

251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
10 years ago
Level 1

I don't know where this discussion heading... do you like to make community realise that a lot of things that seblod can't do.. yes its a lot.. it can't create executable files and mobile apps for sure...

C'mon guys.. let's face it.. its open source.. there's tons of things what you can do when you understand the concept... especially when you know how seblod works... have you tried make your custom field ? if you have that ability you're more than awesome..

If you work with clients.. speed is the most important

Seblod for eCommerce ? i won't bother.. don't want to reinvent the wheels.. theres Hikashop, Virtuemart and friends for this..can seblod use for eCommerce.. of course it can.. you can see the add-on marketplace here for example

Seblod for Social Features ? i also won't bother.. there's jomsocial and community builder for this...

you only need to thing on how you can create the bridge for those 3rd party apps...

i've been using seblod for more than 2 years... yes sometime i struggle to create things... but at this moment, i can't live without it..it just so easy to build things...

10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Viktor Iwan; 

LOL ! I think nobody here want to reinvent the wheels. !! and what do u think about this great forum made with Seblod ?? , I think only Seblod Dev want to reinvent the wheels , also not bad at all but good illustration about Seblod cck limitation.

Viktor I know you are a good helper here but what did you expect from seblod knowing that all good features are for sell ?

You can be sure that all Dev don't want to help here , because they don't want to see the features to be sent to sell like sd concat field !

That F-uc-king S-HI-T Kill the share concept here 

42 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

I think that the topic is going in a direction that is not intended by the poster.

If I'm correct, pleas Krkr be the judge about that, Krkr started this thread to serve as an HELP to the community, because one thing is to say "the sky is the limit", another one is to have the details about the price you have to pay to buy the rocket.
I mean, we are are to discuss and give a precise idea of the major and minor problems that will appear when trying something particular with Seblod, this is not the place to say that support could be better, that it's not fair to pay for something that should be free and so on... it would turn an actually usefull resource , like this could be, in a useless flame, so please...let's try to give a contribute all together.

10 years ago
Level 1

Ok for example,

 I'm not sure SEBLOD could manage a customised notification system emailing to the registered user the new contents filtered according to HIS preferences with the sending frequency HE has decided (daily, weekly etc...).

We can define some custom search criteria stored in the registered user profile so that these criteria are used as filters in seblod searches on some contents.

But I don't see how seblod could manage  the comparison with the previous call. Even if cron tasks call the seblod seach list, how can the system connects as the user specifying the password that is unknown and at a specific rate given in the user's profile too?

Without speaking of comparing the result to the previous similar call for the same user and emailing the differerences


179 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
To extend the list what SEBLOD can't do and every newcomer should be made aware of:

1. Paid Support (reasonable)
2. Documentation
3. Community Support
4. Tutorials

There are a lot of awesome things that SEBLOD can do ... IF you know HOW. But the devs keep that knowledge a well kept secret (they will never publish a book that you can buy for a reasonable price of 20€) so you have to buy their 5h support ticket for an outrageous and whopping 480€ which is way more profitable. That is an Apple like business model (see: OS Mavericks is available for free, but than you pay outrageous prices for tools you need) - lock people into your product and make them stay by reducing their chance to pull back out. Definitely NOT the way the Joomla universe was set up to work!
10 years ago
Level 2
Only 96 EUR per hour? Usually software development is rewarded better.
Only non-business-owners don't see why an hour will cost something like that.
What is the origin of these numbers?

And what about Community-Support? This forum is the community support :-)
Tutorials: look below here v (under Resources .. it says: Tutorials)
41 Posts
Umair Hassan
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Seblod Users and Seblod Team,

I would like to share two of my websites, I am not a professional web developer or designer but I have made two websites based on Joomla + Seblod and those are working perfectly. Following are the links:

1. Magazine Website (Joomla 2.5 + Seblod 2.3.9)
2. Library Website Home Page (Joomla 3.2 + Seblod 3.2.2)
3. Library Website Book Page

I would say if Seblod was not there i could not make these websites.

Best Regards,
Umair Hassan Raja
10 years ago
Level 1
combination Joomla tags + seblod doesn't work. I spent days and gave up. Indeed, it's possible to make tagging as content type in seblod - but it's noncence since seblod has list& serach.

From my point, seblod is too complicated for common webmaster. PHP+JS knowledge must be very good, i wolud say if you know it well - it's noncence to start working with seblod. Because you'll spent much more time to create what you want in this case. If you'll have a look at market, you'll see that developing of a component with needed functionality from "zero" will cost you less, than build that with seblod. I'm 100% sure about this.

The worst thing in seblod is its user-unfrendly front-end forms. Lack of JS makes weird forms...could be used only by developers, but not typical website users. I have to say - i'm fully dissapointed with this.

Indeed, seblod can help you to build quite complicated applications. but it's bullshit to say if it is easy like says on seblod's banners and advertising. To much promises.

The support = zero almost. Documentation...do you call this documentation??! Paid products even don't have it. I think, it's rediculous to ask developers how their product is working. We can only wait...

Integration with other components except com_content = zero. You have to develop it by yourself. Joomla's idea = easy building by using different components, modules, plugins.

10 years ago
Level 2
"Integration with other components except com_content = zero. You have to develop it by yourself. Joomla's idea = easy building by using different components, modules, plugins."

The are at least 2 plugin´s for e-commerce integration with quick2cart and j2store... 
Sebod have a API to 3rd extension integration.

"The support = zero almost. Documentation...do you call this documentation??! Paid products even don't have it. I think, it's rediculous to ask developers how their product is working. We can only wait..."

The forum v2 and v3 help you, docs a seblod is like doc a joomla, since seblod is a api / library system

"combination Joomla tags + seblod doesn't work."

This happen because in seblod you can store "tags" has you like, but compatibility is possible, just create a system plugin for seblod tagging.

I may way problems are resolved has clients request. Seblod team just need to focus in seblod core, like joomla team focus in joomla core and the community have the responsibility to extend it, that is open source model development. :)

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