I am ready to say that I was wrong, if you can prove and show examples.
Tag system by SEBLOD : have not the same function as joomla tags. With Seblod tag you can have a basket with all content type, not just words... (for exemple the ecommerce system on Seblod works with it !)
About tags here and here
What is ecommerce system on Seblod, never heard of it? Where it is, can you show it? You mean build your own? On what manuals and what help based? Suck out everything from finger? This doesn't helped.
Multilanguage : you have multiple choice for using multilanguage : multi-site, JTEXT functions...
Multisite ... for one multilanguage page, this just isn't funny. Do you think that employees at work should run around office to work with excel on one working place, with word on another and so on?
Search Type : I'm using what you want and it works like a charm ! SelectMultiple in content -> select simple, radio, checkbox in Search type for the same field .
Take Country field from User (Select Dynamic, based on DB table countries), make it multiselect in Admin and in Content it will show up Countries selected. Now for these articles make tags on countries so it could be searchable. In search make field Select Dynamic, but not multiselect so it is possible to filter articles by country. And for multilanguage.
How do you think, why nobody answers me on this question? Because it is possible?
Sliders : I'have created some sliders (slideset, slideshow,...) with jquery, I have interfaced Camera JS, and big jquery sliders for my Seblod website.
I talked about jQuery slider for price filtering (from .. to) in search, please example in studio, never saw any working or solution or description in seblod forums. It is not about pictures slide.
The way that you are saying that you built something doesn't help and doesn't prove that this is possible on seblod while it is not showed, explained and helped others.
renderField : Have you try to using $cck->get('myField')->value , $cck->getTypo('myField'), $cck->getHtml('myField'), $cck->get('myField')->label, or override the CSS ? (float : left)
Please solution for this
Seb_one is responsive, my website is RWD, use your own seblod template if you can.
No it is not. Here
Yes I can, I already built it with override and bootstrap. At least this solution works. Let's make question more accurate: is seb_one template usable for mobile devices? And it is not.
At the end I can say seblod is as good as its user, but user can't be good if there is no info about seblod. If someone and you made something and you say that it is working then why there are no such solutions? For now SEBLOD with it knowledge base/forums/ solutions is usable for just "simple" things. Build e-commerce on it or booking system ... mission impossible for now.
If you believe that CCK purpose to make catalogue and searches is coding of different things, but not just putting it together than you misunderstand something. Do not want to make advertising, but I worked with several CCKs, take for example ZOO, things what I made now on SEBLOD within month time (field rendering, related products, multilanguage) I can make in ZOO in 1 day. This is the way to work with CCK. I can imagine what I can get more from SEBLOD and never from ZOO, but how is still enigma for me and I think for most of users.
So while there are no help solutions and examples, but just promises and sentences "yes, you can" and "make it by php or js" then it is not working and seblod can't do this.
Now it is balancing on "make your own component" from base and do not use seblod, at least you will not need to fight with stupid little problems without solution.