11 years ago


 The website is pretty and  in 2013 look like as every boostrap site but I really ask myself when seblod could be use ?

0) When i see that for a blog layout seblod add 7 level of div element tag for each item , i really ask myself how seblod performance is ? 

1) each commercial component  create they own custom fields .Can seblod replace this object without loose the logic of this component ( refer to others extension plugin, module) . can we use seblod ( to enhance ) an already implemented commercial extension ( component module plug in ) ?

2) if seblod can't be use to enhance third component ( component , plug in module ) . Do we understand seblod of a way to create a component in the gui way  and only prevent us to code ?


3) I have seen that exporter is a pay plug in .... and since  upgrade website is a nightmare when need to  transfert website to  1.5 to 2.5 . I happy to see that such plug in is available even we must pay.  The only problem is  that we must pay but we can't test it before buy !! and forum is not friendly for search post feed back about user case problem. So Does the exporter support export of standart joomla "article"/ object type ?  every seblod "article"/object  ?  every standart joomla object  like

article user/author categories/sections img weblinks

4) it is too incredible to be real so i don't think it is available. I need feedback from seblod advance users. The front website of seblod say we can use seblod  and then "export/backup/import " ( it is the way i understand since if i can export my seblod work i need to be able to import this export ) the things we have done with seblod !! Can we achieve this using the Backend GUI only without coding or does this need some custom code ( implement extension ) ?

5) why joomla don't implement by default a cck  ? is there some discussion about this subject in git  forum sowhere in the internet ?

Thank's for any help to really understand the limit/use  of seblod for the point of view of a GUI guy ( not php developper ) .

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251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
11 years ago
Level 1

Hi ! Meet again here, let me contribute a bit here

0) Of course there's an impact, a more cleaner div will get the overall filesize smaller and it make the webfaster, this also applies on the render engine. BUT.. you're we're talking about less than a second's impact here

1) No, Not directly, eventhough seblod has capabilites to use all joomla table, but i tried to completely using external table and it failed to work (especially with list)

2) Yes, with seblod you can create a web without even have to code. BUT you still require PHP, HTML, CSS knowledge for your advantage coz not all the feature is 'out of the box'. Also with seblod you can use conventional PHP code without joomla MVC

3)In My View, Upgrade from JSEBLOD to SEBLOD is bit a mess here.. the better solution is to hire an assistant , or ask your staff to copy and paste manually.

4) There's Export Add-on in the market, have you tried it ?

5) Tons of discussion, i think the core dev would leave the CCK aspect to 3rd party, so they can focus on core module and make joomla generic for multiple purpose

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