45 Posts
10 years ago


do you know if the upcoming "Sitemap app" will be multi-site ?

Thank you,


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10 years ago
Level 1

I don't know but I don't understand the real purpose of this app since it doesn't seem to crawl the children of seblod lists.

the SQL query only checks the items of the menu table. Any xmap like extension already does the same thing.

According to me the real advantage of a sitemap app would be to display the items UNDER the seblod lists. Unless there is something I didn't catch, I prefer using external sitemap generators such as Xenu. 



572 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Cyril,

You are right, the functionality is basic at the moment, but it's still a huge plus over using XMAP because now you don't need to install another component, you can use something that is native to SEBLOD. This is great because it's one less component to consider when upgrading Joomla versions.

Hopefully there will be some expanded functionality that will crawl the child items in future.

10 years ago
Level 1

Hi James

thanks for your answer. I understand.

SO far Xmap is not the solution either. External crawlers are much more powerfull.

...you are right a native seblod app is much better since it could be dynamic .. when it displays the entire site map 



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