10 years ago
Hello @ all,

this should be a discussion or inputs about sharing apps with different languages.
I hope in the future this topic would be more relevant than today.

If an app was created we will be able to download it as a package - so far so good.
But whats about sharing it with people from other countries and other languages??

As far as I know, the only possibility to translate the custom fields in a content type is to do it in an override. This makes sharing much more complex because you have to make a language override for your app beside the app itself. An other person, who wants to use this app has to install the app and has to include the language file into an override.

Is there no other way to include the language overrides into the app folder so people only have to install the folder itself and all fields are translated???

Whar are you thinking about this topics - any ideas??

Best regards Jürgen
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Jurgen,

I think you ask a good question.  It will probably become more of an issue when the app store is open.  My guess is that the responsibility for the translation will fall on the person receiving the app.  Unless there is an application that uses the Google Translate API that can translate and generate the language files automatically, it probably going to be some work. 



10 years ago
Level 2
Google translate never is a good choice...

The better idea is to update cck library to create language files (ini files) on-fly for apps :)
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