9 years ago


I'm newbe with Seblod. I've got a question regarding multisite. My concern is to create two sites (A and B) which share the blog of featured articles i.e. in site A I can see featured articles of site B and A (and reverse).

I tried several ways but no one was ok. Does someone already done this? Do I miss all the subtility of Seblod ?

Thanks for any response.

Get a Book for SEBLOD
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi, I think that I find a way to to this : I make an item menu "blog of featured articles" for one site and for the other one I done a copy of this link. In fact I made 3 sites. One which got the "blog of featured articles" item (default page but in a position not used), and a copy of this item menu for site A and B. All with accurate ACL.

Hope this can help someone else.

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