10 years ago

I"m struggling with the generation of correct URLs to Seblod content items in an XML sitemap.

I have tried different popular sitemap extensions and none of them gave working results.

I am using JSitemap Pro now, the most popular sitemap extension for Joomla. It's not free but is well worth the cost (in my opinion).

Links that have an associated menu item are working fine. But articles that are not linked through a menu item (e.g. Blog articles) get the worng URL in the sitemap.
The URL in the sitemap looks like this:

But the actual URL on the site is:

It is not a matter of configuration within the JSitemap component. There is no possible configuration to make it work.

I already contacted the JSitemap Support and they could not fix it. Now they are working in there lab to make their extension work well with Seblod content also.

I hope they can come up with a solution that will be helpful for the Seblod community.

Now my question: Can anybody here in the forum point out a way how to generate correct XML sitemap URLs for Seblod content where the content is NOT linked through a menu item? Any help would be much appreciated.


Get a Book for SEBLOD
10 years ago
Level 1
As far as I know this problem is only if you are using list and search types as blog. In this case the only way is to create a shadow menu to link to the article or category to get the correct url. If you have a very large site this could be a problem (a lot of work).
Ive been also strugglin with this problem and decided to use standard Joomla blog layout to get the correct urls for blog layouts.

Best regards Jürgen

10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Juergen,

thank you for pointing that out. This really helps me to find a solution.

I was not aware of this restriction with List&Search type links. So I structured my sites , using Seblod List&Search type view for blog type sections.

Now I have to rethink and reorganize the structure.

10 years ago
Level 1
In this case the most obvious solution would be a common trick to create a shadow hidden menu using Joomla category blog to link to same articles displayed by Seblod menu view.

This would make possible having exact the same links in sitemap, but this solution is prevented by Joomla iteself, that make impossible create 2 different menu items using same alias. So currently the only possible links for sitemap could be using a different alias, for example:


instead of


but this would generate duplicated links, no best for SEO.
10 years ago
Level 1

in many cases the shadow menu links is not an option because the admin would have to create them for every article. My client's site has new content almost every day.


sometimes we can just use standard Joomla blog layout. But other times we need that Seblod list&search blog, especially when filtering and ordering articles with custom fields.

I posted to the issue tracker. Maybe the dev team has an answer?

10 years ago
Level 2

I agree with you, but at the moment it is the only possibility. If you will try to make a multilanguage site, you will also struggle with correct urls in search types and this could end up in chaos.
So you have to decide if a search type is really necessary. For simple blog layouts Joomla standard blog view is the best choice at the moment.

The problems cause are the different routers (Joomla router and Seblod router).

Thank you for posting it to the tracker.

10 years ago
Level 1
Yes, the different routers are the problem.

I really do hope that Octopoos dev team will find the time to come up with a solution. XML sitemaps with correct deep links to articles are required by most of my customers and are considered SEO relevant. We should be able to have Seblod based sites that can fullfill this requirement.
10 years ago
Level 1
I found a solution with the help of the JSitemap Pro support team. Many thanks to johndag for his quick and competent help!

They have added functionality to the latest release of their component so we can easily create sitemaps for Seblod content.

I tested and it works right out of the box.

In my opinion, the money for JSitemap Pro is well spent.

If anybody knows of any other ways to generate XML sitemaps for Seblod content, please let us know.
10 years ago
Level 1


I used XENU but it wasn't integrated in Joomla.


10 years ago
Level 2

Thanks for the info.

Never heard about XENU. Will have a look.

251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
10 years ago
Level 1

i use this xml-sitemap:


it's an stand alone apps, but able to crawling your site nicely... you can create image sitemap, video sitemap, news sitemap, and RSS feeds.. and its only $20 !

10 years ago
Level 1


I'm testing the latest pro version of JSITEmap as Gebeer said. however it doesn't seem to crawl the seblod lists.

I have a menu item pointing to a seblod list. The menu item is in the jsitemap but not the elements of the list. Is there some settings to activate to make it work please?



10 years ago
Level 2


it uses data sources and not menu to include items into sitemap.

You need to add a new data source for Seblod using wizard.

Contact me at http://storejoomla.org if you need further informations.

Best regards

John Dagelmore

10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Johndag

I sent you a support ticket on your site but I believe as seblod users we definitively need jsitemap to support the seblod menu items. A sitemap is only useful if it follows the site navigation (menus). We mainly use seblod menu items on seblod lists. 

With seblod we only have either direct link to an article (=seblod content) or link to a seblod list.



10 years ago
Level 2

Hello Cyril,

JSITEmap definitely supports Seblod.

If you are used to other sitemap components, the setup process is different.

You cannot just tell JSITEmap which menu items to index.

You need to add a new data source and configure that to index your content.

It might seem odd at the first glance. But this is very powerful and you have very good control over the entries in your sitemap XML.

On Seblod List pages we usually list articles and also link to them. So it is important to get those links indexed in our sitemap XML, too. If we just throw a link at JSITEmap, it doesn't know how to create the XML entries for links on that page. Same as with other Sitemap components like xmap. They only index the menu item links. Links to other pages on those menu item links are not being indexed.

This is what my SQL query in JSITEmap configuration looks like:

 CONCAT_WS(':', `#__content`.`id`, `#__content`.`alias`) AS `id`, 
 `#__categories`.`title` AS `cat_title`
 FROM `#__content`
 JOIN `#__categories` ON `#__content`.`catid` = `#__categories`.`id`
 `#__categories`.`published` = '1'
 AND `#__content`.`state` = '1'
 AND `#__content`.`access` IN {aid}
 AND  (`#__content`.`language` = '*' OR `#__content`.`language` = {langtag})
 AND (`#__content`.`publish_down` > NOW() OR `#__content`.`publish_down` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00')
 AND `#__content`.`catid` = '19'
 `#__categories`.`lft` ASC, 
 `#__content`.`publish_up` ASC 

Hope this helps.

9 years ago
Level 3

Hi JstoreExtensions confirmed that Jsitemap doesn't provide right URLs when parsing the seblod lists:

"Yes the support for Seblod is given by the data source, but it embed links

generated by Seblod into sitemap independently by menu structure.
It works using data sources that are independant and not menu items,
this means that the menu for Seblod won't have childs as Seblod contents but
using independant sitemap structure."


"By the way we have already planned to develop a mixed mode between menu and Seblod structure,

hopefully before end of this year"

59 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Salut Cyril,

Je ne peux pas te contacter autrement. Pourrais-tu vérifier s'il te plaît le plugin de champ select dynamic ACL pour SEBLOD sur ton site http://www.pulsar-informatique.com/telechargements-gratuits?cck=telechargement&pu_tel_type=01&boxchecked=0&search=liste_des_extensions&task=search

Il s'agit d'une très vieille version du plugin sans fonction ACL.

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi all,

Just a quick note - there's an app coming in November that will do sitemaps too (http://www.seblod.com/products/vip). With a 25% off VIP memberships this weekend, it might be a great time to sign up ;)

9 years ago
Level 1

Hello everyone

As the sitemap app only relies on joomla menus and doesn't crawl the seblod lists here is a possible interresting news about jsitemap:

I wrote to them asking what about the seblod list crawling and here is their answer:

in the meanwhile we gone to develop a public API for JSitemap, so that plugins can be developed by third party vendors.

In this way into the sitemap can be integrated even external applications such as Magento ecommerce from Joomla.

if you can ask to Seblod developers if they are interestd to develop the plugin, i can send them the API SDK, more info here: http://storejextensions.org/api-sdk-request.html

So I guess it may be now possible to build a jsitemap plugin that will do the job.


7 years ago
Level 2


Two years later it seems we still don't have a real solution for our xml sitemap unless we use external crawlers such as XML-sitemap.

Did someone find a better solution ?



4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

You can make a plugin for OSmap or any other map extension or change query in map app to include all items from all content types.

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