28 Posts
6 years ago

In Seblod general options on tab „website“ -> „SEF“ there is a section with „SEBLOD (+)“. What does it mean? I want to use /parent/alias because the links looks like i want to have, but with this setting some links are broken and results in 404-Error pages.

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Every setting should work. Options should be self explanatory.

28 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Thank you for reply, Klas. I know how to build a link. I also think to understand what „/parent/alias“ mean. But i get some 404 errors with this route i can not solve, so i thought (+) could mean only work with special plugins or so. 

I Have a list and search view (category) and display two list modules with articles they are linked content -> view. Both modules uses same list/search type, with override art_catid to show different content. The Links on on the one module does work well, on the other module all links result in „404 – component not found“. Both selected categories are siblings, enabled, same type, articles are published and so on – I can not found any difference on settings. 

On some other pages and lists i get error 404 – Category not found. There would be no error with router „/alias-id“.

Any hints for me? (:

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3


parent here means target menu, this is why it is always advisable to set target menu in the link options, especially when list is shown using module or list field, as there inherit won't work properly.

28 Posts
6 years ago
Level 4

I dont get it. I have tried until now but it doesnt work well. I have a list with articles. Link is set to content -> view and and menu item is set to menu item with category view (seblod list searchtype). I get always 404 Category not found if i click to article in list view. The articles are related to correct category, category is visible, menu item shows category content … I need some ideas :/

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 5


without access it is hard to tell, there are number of possibilities, e.g. menu set to different language than active one won't work.

28 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

Thank you klas, it seems to be an general issue with Form & List Pack and links to articles. I have post a new topic: https://www.seblod.com/community/forums/fields-plug-ins/form-list-pack-content-link-of-list-items-does-not-work

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