310 Posts
10 years ago

Hello guys, how are you?

We couldn't here from you for mounts a few mounts ago and now you've speeded up too fast, so many new features I can't keep up the speed. In the same time you are doing a lot of new things, which, in my opinion, only you understand.

Cloud you slow down and make a good explanation of everything new you invent, possibly with examples?

Instead of inventing something newer, take your time to say why, what, how the staff you give us is working, PLEASE.

Thank you,

God bless SEBLOD

Get a Book for SEBLOD
310 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

I can still see that I HAVE TO PRESS THE ENTER KEY on my keyboard TWICE to get the new line when I'm writing something on this forum!

"It's the little things in life that make a big difference!"

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi ricco,

Octopoos uses SEBLOD to develop their own website projects.  As new projects require additional functionality and bugs/problems are fixed, the new updated versions of SEBLOD are released to the community.   You can check the changelogs to see what has been added/updated/changed.   Of course documentation and examples are also being worked on - which sometimes takes more time to develop than the functionality.  But it is being worked on and at least you know you are involved in an active project.  :)

Regarding the keyboard issue, do you have the same results with all of the browsers?  I have not been able to duplicate the problem.



10 years ago
Level 3

I have the keyboard issue.

I need enter twice to get new lines (under FF 30.0 on Win 7 64 Pro).

And i agree with ricco ... lack of doc and examples.

15 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

If I can do a constructive criticism, I think the lack of a good documentation is what prevents SEBLOD to reach another level in joomla community.

It is a incredible powerfull tool but few can have a clue to use it with flexibility, if you know the basics its hard to have any clue how to improve more.

123 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

They don't take critism well. Just look at the JED reviews. They call the reviewers Stupid and defend themselves without kindly trying to help the reviewer

See for yourself http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/news-production/content-construction/9128 

I posted a 3 star because I honestly think this component has potentional but the bugs are really bad. I am sure one of them will call me stupid too.

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