11 years ago

Hi, I'm beginning development of a project and looking for advice about a certain technical aspect with regard to Seblod.  The site is similar to a private freelancer-bidding site. The basic idea is that a request is made for work with a given target budget. Bidders would then bid the work, being able to see each other's bids but not being able to see the details of implementation. The reverse-auction style encourages them to be cost-competitive while bidding the most complete solution possible. The initial lister would also be able to allow other users to join the "budget" as equal partners in a crowd funding type of arrangement. All "partners" would be able to see the details of the bids submitted and vote, with ties broken by the initiator. At the end of bidding, the listing (and bid details) could be made publicly viewable or kept private.

Obviously, there is a lot of manipulation of content access that needs to be considered. My current thought is to use user groups for ACL, generating multiple user groups for every project posted. 1) Lister, sees everything, interacts with everything.  2) Active Listing viewer, sees active project listing & bid amounts, can't interact with lister.  3) Bidder/Freelancer, sees listing & amounts, no bid details. Has ability to interact with lister. 4) Expired Listing viewer, sees expired listing and details as specified by lister.

Obviously, this is not a candidate for manual creation and manipulation of access. Is Seblod capable of programmatically creating new user groups (unique to an article/listing), then allowing them to be removed at the different time-based milestones in the use case?

What recommendations do you have for using Seblod in this fashion (or not using Seblod in this fashion).



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