9 years ago


the problem is that the form and joomla j2store form are too complicated for people who do not know the sale on the internet. Just by seeing them they give up their form submission

I want to make a form suitable for artists who want to sell their art paintings. The parameters of j2store joomla or do not care.

for them: a picture, a description, price, quantity and delivery charges are the only fields they agree to fulfill : Quick and easy

but :  

- Must there other mandatory fields for j2store can process information?

- How to link the fields and the fields Seblod j2store?

Get a Book for SEBLOD
9 years ago
Level 1


We have been using J2store with Seblod for quite a time now. It works very well. We wrote a small tutorial but in French only. Maybe you can use google translate on http://www.pulsar-informatique.com/actus-blog/entry/e-commerce-avec-seblod



44 Posts
4 years ago
Level 2

Hi, Cyril

I am using plugin J2Store for Seblod. If one language is OK.

I want to use for a site in two languages. I have a question HOW ?

Plugin uses only field "title" (art_title) and to cart I can to put item only one language.

How to use:

If lang=EN -> to cart  "title_en"

If lang=RU -> "title_ru" and so on

Is it possible?

Are there other solutions?


3 years ago
Level 1


yes it is fully possible since we have been using it this way for years now.

With seblod + j2store in a multi language project you can either duplicate each product for each language or create multilanguage products with different fields for each language (using the language typo plugin to filter for instance).


44 Posts
3 years ago
Level 2

Hi Cyril, thank you. I am very glad.

I do not use duplication

I am using the language typo plugin fo language filter. 

I have "title_en" for ENG language, "title_ru" for RUS (etc.) 


I click my button "Add to cart" and

I only have value "title" (column 'title' from table #__content) in my CART and ORDER (column 'orderitem_name' in table #__j2store_orderitems)

I want to have  value "title_en" for ENG language, "title_ru" for RUS (etc.) in my CART and ORDER

Is it possible? How?

3 years ago
Level 1

In this case I guess you need to write a small J2store plugin that change those values in the database when you "add to cart"


Get a Book for SEBLOD