548 Posts
10 years ago

Hi guys, 

waiting news about Seblod & HikaShop / HikaMarket integration I have to satisfy a customer with HikaShop.

So, I have my Seblod User account/profile.

In my profile I added all fields I need ("Address" fields and so on).

So, in first of all, what I'm looking for a way to have just "one profile" (Seblod/HikaShop) and be able to use it with Seblod. 

- Right now does not matter if importing/reading automatically data fields from HikaShop to Seblod and/or from Seblod to HikaShop, what I would like is to have the same data fields always ready to use in HikaShop and with Seblod. When I change data into a field (never mind if in Seblod or HikaShop), the changement is shown for both
- Right now does not matter also if I can only input the fields and edit them just in one component and/or on both.

Please, Do you have any suggestions on doing it ?

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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


Hikashop integration was mostly done some time ago, but it needs to be updated for current versions and tested, unfortunately we don't have any more definite time for this.

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas, 

thansk for reply. Yes, I know that because has been discussed more times here on Forum. But, leaving aside the release date, I have a customer need to solve and I want ask you (Seblod Team) if is possible, in first of all, know/understand something more about How will be / How can be this integration. So: 

  1. Would be too appreciate have more informations on it. (In special thinking to don't do double work and/or don't do something wrong now that can compromise the Seblod "compatibility" site after the future Seblod releases and next Seblod Apps)  
  2. Seblod / HikaShop integration, as far as I know, mean solve two issues. The first is Products: I can solve temporarily without any specific integration and here is how to do it:
    1. Create my products in HikaShop
    2. Create my content in Seblod and configure Seblod to display my content on your website.
    3. Add HikaShop product tags in my Seblod content in order to have add to cart buttons there which will direct to the HikaShop checkout to handle the payment while the display of the products/categories on my website is handled completely by Seblod.
  3. Profiles, the most important issue: I have my Seblod User standard account/profile where I made some small modifications to cover all my needs ("telephone" fields and so on for example). I need to have just "one profile" (Seblod/HikaShop) and be able to use it with Seblod and HikaShop.
    1. One solution would be to tell Seblod to read/write on HikaShop tables. How? In Seblod, editing and modifying the User Profile fields format Storage as: Standard / Free / Parameters: select the HikaShop Table / Map an existing Column: select the exact corresponding HikaShop field. In this way when I edit my Seblod Profile I'm reading/writing the corresponding HikaShop field. Am I right? But, in this way, what's happen in future if I uninstall HikaShop and I'll use the Seblod eCommerce. Will I have any issues ?
    2. Second solution is the opposite. Say to HikaShop to read and write on Seblod tables. But this depend on HikaShop next features.
    3. Third solution would a way to tell Seblod to store the same field in two tables (the standard Seblod one and the standard HikaShop one, and maybe leave as "read only" those fields in HikaShop). Is it possible di it with Seblod

Please, Can you help me on understanding how can I solve these issues in the right way ?

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3

...I don't know way, but I cannot edit my previous post, I can edit just the first post, so I want add a question to my point 1:

  1. Would be too appreciate have more informations on it. (In special thinking to don't do double work and/or don't do something wrong now that can compromise the Seblod "compatibility" site after the future Seblod releases and next Seblod Apps).
    If the HikaShop plugin integration needs to be updated for current versions and tested, Why not delivery it to Sebloders (free or not free) ?
    I would be too happy to have from Seblod Team instructions on how to update the plugin and give it to my developers (I'm not a programmer)...    
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi joomleb,

Sorry for the delay of our response for this topic. Can you tell us if your post still open for you?


548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Mehdi, 

Yes, the issue is still open, 

thanks for support in advance...

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Mehdi, 

Please, Can you help and update me on this issue ?

548 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Mehdi,

Yes, the issue is still open.

Please, Can you help and update me on this issue ?

572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Hi joomleb,

My sincere apologies here for the delay on the response to you.

You are right about your Option 1 limitations. If you uninstalled Hikashop, you would need to get all of your product content out of the database in a csv, to some manipulation in microsoft excel, and then use SEBLOD importer to import the data in to SEBLOD eCommerce (when it is released). However, this is the best approach for you at this point I think. Use SEBLOD storage to store information in the Hikashop tables and let Hikashop do the rest.

Unfortunately that's all the help I can give you at this time, as the scope of this post is outside what we offer support for here on the forums - it's just as much a Hikashop 'issue' as it is a SEBLOD 'issue'. If you aren't 100% set on using Hikashop though, I can direct you to a great article (you'll have to use Google Translate) written by Cyril (a member of the SEBLOD community) about using J2STORE and SEBLOD for implementing eCommerce functionality.


I'm sorry I can't be of more help at this time.



572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi again joomleb,

In follow up, I have talked more with Mehdi & the team, and if you want to go ahead with this integration for the User content type to be shared and integrated across SEBLOD and Hikashop, please take out a 10 hour professional support package and we can help you with this. For FULL SEBLOD + Hikashop integration (for custom products as well), you would need at least 20 hours.

I will close this ticked now, as the solution to solve this issue is outside the scope of these forums. 

Kind regards,


548 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

Hi James, 

in first of all, many thanks for your previous suggestions.

Then, I have to say that 1.800 € (20 hours) to solve a problem to this customer is really too much.

Anyway, I'll speak about it with my customer, but please:

  1. Is it possible have more informations about this "integrations" ?
  2. Is it possible have some examples to show to my customer ?
  3. Maybe, (In special thinking to don't do double work and/or don't do something wrong now that can compromise the Seblod "compatibility" site after the future Seblod releases and next Seblod Apps) Is there a way to make this integration step by step ? (so the customer can spend the money 1.800 € in three/four tranche)
  4. What is the Seblod Team suggestment ? Do you think it is something to do or Seblod/HikaShop integrations have no future ? 
572 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3

Hi joomleb,

I apologise if I gave the wrong impression with my initial post. The support hours are for if you have a clear task that you need help with, and we can assist you with your project by answering discrete questions that you have. I thought from your initial post that you had a clear idea what sort of integration that you wanted, and that we could help you achieve it. So, in answer to your questions.

1. No, I'm sorry, we can't provide more information about the integration, that's something you will need to formulate exactly the functionality you want, and then make an enquiry through the Enquiry form here - http://www.seblod.com/contact. We can give you a quote for the work if we are to manage it on our side, or, if your request is succinct and you have a clear idea of what you want to implement then we can propose some support hours to help you.

2. No, I'm sorry, we can't show you any examples of this.

3. This is related to my point in step 1, it is not our purpose here to create and design some database integration on your behalf. This is something that needs to be managed by you.

4. No, there is no plan to have SEBLOD / Hikashop integration in future on our side.



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