310 Posts
10 years ago


You are saying:

"Welcome to the new forum. Please read the rules before posting a new topic or searching for a reply. The old forum is here."

but how to search if the search is not working?

How to order if the ordering is not ordering?

So hard to follow the forum, we have to be here all the time to see which ones are the new posts and if we can help or if we can find an answer. Like WHAT?! ninjas are real?!?

Guys this is not a game, a lot of people are relying on SEBLOD, if you do not take your product for serious tell us. I'm a bit disappointed.


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251 Posts
Viktor Iwan
10 years ago
Level 1

Yes, hopefully there will be search feature in this forum.

Meanwhile i suggest you to search from Google with search operator site:seblod.com

10 years ago
Level 1


I totally agree with you.

I would rather like to see a standard forum software used here like it was in the old forum. It's nice trying to do a forum with SEBLOD but until it has real forum features, it is really hard to use. Sometimes I try to help people and then I don't get email notifications and its really hard to follow up.

310 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2


I agree that it would be much better to see the forum as a standard forum software. So many futures are missing here. At the moment this forum is half baked, but I think the devs don't want to abandon it because they've made the effort to bring to what it is, but it's not enough.

At least the searching and the ordering have been repaired.

Thank you

10 years ago
Level 3

Hello all,

thak for your comments.

@ricco, you were right, i made some correction on search and ordering.

Please, can i ask you to make a list of feature you would see on the forum. We won't change the forum because the first idea is to do all with SEBLOD in this website.

By cons, like it done with SEBLOD, we can do what we want and add feature like we want to the forum. It's simply a question of time.



10 years ago
Level 1

Hello Lionel,

thank you for replying here.

For the feature list, should we start a new thread in the forum or make a feature request in the tracker?

Some features that I would like to see:

-attach images and files to posts like in "Media" tab in the tracker.

-follow up by email: Let the user choose if they want to get email notifications for new posts to a thread.

-PM function


310 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi Lionel and thank you for repairing the searching and the ordering,

There are many futures I'd like see in the forum.

For an easy start why don't you change the Bookmarks to show on a page, not as drop down.

As gerhard said PM would be great.

Thank you button.

Show if user is Online.


Subscribe to somebody's future posts.

I still don't know how to insert images in this text area.


Linking to a specific reply.

I don't know I could think all night.

Best Regards


310 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

One very important future which I'd like in the forum is:

When replying to a topic to be able to see what was already written in the previous posts so we can make a reference.



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