233 Posts
10 years ago
Salut Seblodder's,

  1. Has anyone damaged a Seblod installation? i.e. deleted core fields by accident, messed-up default objects and their forms etc.
  2. What about App im/export? Is it of help in restoring or updating a site with missing parts? Does it update or add data to existing elements?
  3. What is best practice to repair a Seblod installation (without destroying existing stuff)
  4. Possible to force a re-install of all default Apps and core content types etc.
I am sure you encountered similar situations… come on, be honest ;-)
Sharing your experiences and tips is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi pepperstreet,

I think it gets down to which way is faster...

For me, what I usually end up doing is just restoring the site with a backup rather than trying to fix it. And I *HOPE* that the backup is current and not missing a bunch of steps. Backup and Backup often with your favorite backup app/extension. That's how I would do it - because for me its just faster and I would be guaranteed that its fixed correctly...

233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
For sure a good and general advice ;-) Save early, save often!

But you know..., people are lazy, too busy or too stu... and i guess in development stage on a local environment, you simply do no regular and complete site backups. Sometimes you focus on site-building and configuration, and simply forget about the time. Hours passing by like seconds.

My initial idea for the topic was more from a "Seblod" point of view. Often a user is surprised by a sudden error that occurs, although he did nothing wrong or special. (i.e. this topic for example)

Thus I am more interested in the options you have in the that same installation.
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Yep I get the laziness aspect and hours passing! But when you get burned as many times as I have...EVENTUALLY it starts to sink in and saving gets to be a habit or automated! :D LOL Not too long ago I was working on my local machine, when I ended up copying over a php file and instantly new that I made a mistake (only lost about a day's worth of programming that time). So now I make sure that my editor is always saving a copy every time I save.

If you are in the database and your fingers feel the need to be next to the delete key, then maybe duct tape??? Keep away from the delete key - that's just asking for trouble in my opinion! If you delete a database entry you better be sure you know what you are doing...I don't think it matters what application your in!

As for SEBLOD, if you mess up a content type, well then you can go back to a previous version now using the version control - which is pretty cool. But if you start getting strange errors, its good to make sure that it IS indeed Joomla/SEBLOD and not a cache issue. If things are just working fine and then they start freaking out for no apparent reason, then try another browser and or computers. As for that other post you reference, ALWAYS backup before you upgrade, and restoring to a previous version of a Content Type worked - hence the save and save often paid off! 

233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
:D I agree and feel your pain. The "eventually-habit-phase" took 8 years and 3 major Joomla versions ;) Seriously, in most cases I am uber-careful. But you know, there is always a first time or something that you missed somehow. And then it strikes you like a lightning.

The Versioning feature is nice. Just noticed it. But it does not help on Apps and Fields. IMHO, it is too easy to mess things up or loose an important element.

1.) BTW, how do App import/export behave, if I install it twice? Over an existing app? And what happens if the existing App has less or more fields etc. Does it update or replace the existing App?
2.) Wouldn't it make sense to have an internal backup of all the initial Default Core content. A smart duplicate to revert to.

Anyway, i am curious to read some other user's opinions.

10 years ago
Level 1
In the new German Seblod forum there is a discussion about how to restore things after update issues.

Basically it comes down to following steps:
1. Export your apps from within Seblod.
2. uninstall Seblod.
3. reinstall Seblod
4. Import your apps again

When uninstalling Seblod, all the tables and fields that were added through Seblod to the Joomla DB will NOT be deleted. So all your data will still be there in the same place.

This seems to be a pretty save way to make things work again when running into issues after updates of either Joomla or Seblod (which, unfortunately, seems to happen quite often).

For pepperstreets scenario, this can be an approach, too. As long as the app export is still working.

To be able to export your app you should always organize your custom content types in an extra app folder. This makes it easier to ex-/import your apps.
233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Nice suggestions to keep in mind.
( Danke für den Hinweis auf das deutsche Forum. Völlig verdrängt, muss mich noch dran gewöhnen ;-) )

10 years ago
Level 1
I cannot re-install Seblod 3.3.2, some files and/or database tables from a previous installation seem to prevent this. In the extensions list some Seblod elements are still listed but cannot be uninstalled. Which files/folders/entries do I have to delete to allow a fresh installation (Joomla 2.5.19)?
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