7 years ago

Dear all,

Referring to https://www.seblod.com/community/forums/fields-plug-ins/joomla-article-compatibility :

From my understanding, Seblod's plugin will render the tags such as ::cck:: and ::introtext::, via Joomla's com_content, where the rendered code will be compatible with others extension.

Is there any way where the Seblod's plugin rendered "introtext" and "fulltext", be rendered without any html tag? Maybe allowing to skip the template via Seblod?

The purpose is alike to Giuse's intention, if I understand it correctly. For example, I have a "article display" module that will map an article from com_content, with it's "title", "intro image", "intro text". After Seblod's plugin rendered these fields, particularly "intro text" that will be output without the ::cck:: tag, but these fields will be output with Seblod's template html tags. Hence, third-party module will render these fields with undesired result.

Is there any way to allow third-party plugins render, Seblod's field without the html tags? However, keeping in mind that there is an option to use template for output, like how currently it is handled by Seblod, but to have a option when rendered by third-party extensions, "clean" code can be output. Thank you.


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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

TO minimize Seblod html you can use Minimafor your content  template and set Variation to None plus set Markup to None

7 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas,

Thanks for your response.

I will try your suggestion, but Is there any way that one content type is assigned to two templates?

The rationale is that I need the third-party module to work with a "clean" value, but the same content item is required to be rendered normally with template.

Thank you!

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

I'm afraid you can display same content type with different templates.Perhaps one way to get around it would be to use template override with some php logic to recognize when it is displayed in 3rd party module and then display changed layout, but you would need to figure out details yourself., e.g. it could depend on Itemid or any other Url variable..

7 years ago
Level 4

That's a good idea to consider. Thanks Klas!

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