8 years ago

Since the upgrade to 3.8.2 I am having problems with setting conditional states on the Admin Form of an article.

If I try to click on a field to add a conditional state, when one or more fields already have Conditional States applied to them, the dialog box that appears, reflects the Conditional State of a different field, usually the one set previously.

Sometimes if I reset the Conditional State it does not get reset, and the 'Edit' link still appears instead of 'Add'.

Below is a console error message, which may be related:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'baseURI' of undefinedf.exec @ mootools-core.js:28

Never experienced anything like this with 3.7.x, so obviously there are some issues with Javascript on this version of Seblod.

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8 years ago
Level 1

To answer my own topic, I think this is an issue with Mootools. I've tried a couple of plugins that are supposed to turn the Mootools JS off, but it's always called in the admin pages for me, and the error persists.

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2


I just tested and it works correctly for me, you need to find out why you have mootools loaded in backend, there should be none if you use joomla 3.5.1.

8 years ago
Level 3

Hi Klas, Mootools is still included in Joomla core, as there are still one or two functions that require it. Joomla loads it only as required.

I've inherited a site with a load of third party extensions, most of which I'm replacing with Seblod, and the front end of my site doesn't load Mootools, but for some reason the backend does.

Hopefully I'll eventually discover what is calling Mootools and disable it, and I'm posting here so that if anyone else has similar issues then it might help them.

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 4


yes,you need to find out why mootools are loaded, usually some system plugins (that come e..g with tempalte frameworks do that.. or some plugins that alter default joomla interface).

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