7 years ago


   I try to print a content form built with some embedded list ( Formlist Pack - https://www.seblod.com/store/extensions/8538).If I used a free button with Seblod Print Extension, a blank windows is opened. If I used javascript:window.print(), the content form is only partially printed. If I used the Joomla print button, I have an SQL error, due to the clause Where build with a part of the URL (eg: if URL is .../33-form-displayed, the clause where is WHERE ID=33form-displayed). 

   The content form is calIed from a list. I have tried to change URLs SEF int View option for listed field without success.

I just need to print form content as displayed.

Thank you in advance for your help


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4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

"javascript:window.print(), the content form is only partially printed." - this is a problem with your template, widow.print just fires browser printing. You will need to add some styles for printing.

"I used a free button with Seblod Print Extension" - this is a bug. On content view you can use Free text field and put print link on it.I made a pull request to fix this problem, if you apply this change print link on Button free should work too.


7 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas,

Thank you very much for your feedback, with this workaround the print function is ok.

I have a last question, into the windows opened, button displayed into content form are always displayed into printed form and joomla print button displayed at the left end corner, so not easy for end user to undestand that he does rolls donw windows to find Joomla print button.

I have not found how I can hide the buttons than comes from content form or at the lest move the Joomla print button to upper (left or right) side of the form? perhaps into /templates/template_name/components.php ?

Thank you in adavnce for your help


4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 3

You can use restriction > URL variable > print to hide field when variable print is present in the url.

7 years ago
Level 4

Hi Klas,

 Thank you very much. Button are now hide. Sometime it's so simply than I wonder why I will get the complication :).

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