10 years ago


I've only just started using Seblod and can immediately see the advantages over other CCKs.

I have been told though that you cannot do table join quires using seblod is that accurate?

I want to build an app that will have 1:many relationships between several datatypes(tables) and would like to know that is can be easily accomplished.

Thanks for response

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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Depends on what you would like to do with those tables - you can't e.g. save data to mutiple tables by default unless you do it in the code plugins with your own code, but what you can do with public plugins is to have joins in search  (search join plugin or search query plugin) or pull data from related table in the content view (sql plugin).

10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Klas thanks for reply.  Are there any examples or demos that I could deconstruct to help learning curve?

What I want to do is create a system which has multiple properties organised under different main properties( i guess best to use categories for this), populated by single residents(articles) then have multiple visit logs(articles) linked with each property and added by multiple visitors(joomla users).  My content would need to be shown in various different ways accross the site....

I'm hoping Seblod is up to the task and indeed that I can get up there too quickly enough...is there any material that I can devour that might help get me someway toward that.  I've gone through all of James videos but there seem to be some fundamental bits missing...

10 years ago
Level 2

forgot to mention in my app each property will have multiple residencies with each one having one resident.  Only the latest residency need be active per property...

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