34 Posts
10 years ago

this page here is incredible fast (initial load is around 1 sec). I asked Lionel how i can get my website fast as this (mine initial load is around 3-4 seconds), he said it would be all about good server settings / management. A dedicated managed server is about +80 Dollar per month, a little too expensive for me - but maybe i get a similar result with a vServer? These are around 10 Dollar per month.

If this is no secret info, i would like to know how SEBLOD set up their servers? Linux / Windows? Which version? Any specific adjustments to make pageload faster? Any adminstrative extensions like Plesk or Cpanel? Any other secrets to speed up the load time on 1 second?
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34 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Udate: The plugin "System - Cache" is not working with the SEBLOD registration... :(

I'm going to answer this myself. I played a lot around the last days, here my results:
from this (+4 seconds to first byte)  -> to this (first byte between 200-350 ms). 

A good cache management is important, i set my SEBLOD List & Search forms in the tab "Configuration" to "Cache (on Search) - Global - For Anyone". Don't activate the "Cache (on Render)". Also, don't activate the cache settings in your Joomla Global Configuration, this will break your SEBLOD searches. Instead, when you're done with everything else, go to Plugins and activate "System - Cache", this will cache the static content correctly - keep in mind that this is a normal cache, so, deactivate it when you do changes on your website and clear the joomla cache, after you're done.

When you try these settings, you should get a very nice performance already. Now, try to work with SEBLOD as much as possible or seperate areas where normal Joomla addons or content need to search / list or any other database requests. For example, i used to work a lot with rockettheme, but when i combine their list / search modules on one page with a seblod list / search module, it double the requests.
This is also why you want to have a clean template (mine could also be better), doesn't make sense to use a big template by rockettheme or joomlart, when you also have the SEBLOD template integrated -> results in many unnecessary divs and this turns up your DOM value. Best way is to build own templates like you need them for Joomla and SEBLOD. Or like i did, use a clean joomla standard template and use the normal SEBLOD template, set to responsive.

You can also activate Gzip Page Compression in your Joomla Global Configuration. Test it here: http://www.gidnetwork.com/tools/gzip-test.php If it's not activated, you need to activate it on your server (cPanel has an option for it, in Plesk you need to do this).

Next thing is pretty cool as well, you can improve your htaccess to set Expire Tags and Expire Headers. Here is the tutorial.

Of course, you can do much more to optimize the pageload over all, have a look at this tutorial as well. Here are some test websites, you can use:

Google Developers Page Speed Insights

http://www.webpagetest.org/ <- what i used the most



Web Performance Tests


Web Page Analyzer

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Index,

Thank you for your post.

178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hi. Thanks a lot for your post.

It would be great if you explain why you did not use cache on render? 

And maybe you can share some info about module cache.

34 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

I managed this by myself and under my server settings ... i suppose the results can vary ... the cache on render destroyed some of my fields. Modules should be cached static, when you turn on the cache plugin, right?

Like i said, this is what i came up with ... i also hope for a better tutorial on this cache stuff by a person who knows SEBLOD & Joomla caching.

178 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Tnanks for info..

Do you know what difference between self and global settings? 

693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


There is a discussion regarding cache here...  See Sebastien's comments...



8 years ago
Level 1

Seblod call by default the function display with the parameter true for cachable the page.

I suggest you to change in components/com_cck/controller.php the call to the task named "search" :

// search public
function search() {
parent::display( true );

By :

// search public
function search() {
parent::display( false );

Understand that's it's not necessary to cache a search result, depend on the params

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


you can try and download fixed com_cck/controller.php andn replace the one in your components/com_cck/ folder


File belongs to the pull I long time ago and should fix this problems. Please try and report if it worked for you.


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