10 years ago
Hey All

I am new to Seblod but from what I can tell this is an extremely powerful tool for what I am looking for. Just stuck on how this thing actually works and if I can use it for what I want.

I wish to create a form for review which users can fill in, the data would then be added to the template etc and be displayed.

I want to also be able to use that data to create a list of all the items and that be sortable and searchable via different field. I.e review titles, score etc

I am just lost on how I do this. I have created the fields, attached them to a database and their own column in the database.

The data is saving to the database but opening up the "article" again everything is blank. I am also unsure how I find this article on the actual site etc.

Your help would be great :)
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10 years ago
Level 1
I would recommend searching YouTube for the video tutorials by James Morrell, they are great to help get started with Seblod.

I too am new to Seblod so can't offer much more help as I'm still learning!

10 years ago
Level 2
I will check it out to get started thanks :)

If anyone else has some tips and direction that would be great too!
175 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
From what you said I understand that you have created a new content type. Your form works on the frontend, thanks to Seblod Form menu item, but you are stuck where are data.
If you have used the default Seblod settings, you data are saved as articles, with maybe date as title. If you haven't specified the particular category, the articles might not be categorized, which might be a problem.
What you can do is go to phpMyAdmin and see what category are they in.
What you should use to display them is use Articles > Category Blog menu item to display your items (stored in a certain category), and the data for that layout are set in Intro View. Content layout will be used to display a single content type, by via clicking on content title or via menu Articles > Single Article.
You can also use the Seblod > List&Search menu item, for which you have to set a List&Search Type, where you can set search criteria (in Search Form layout), order (in Ordering) and in List you can decide if you want table or blog layout, by selecting the appropriate template.
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