98 Posts
10 years ago
Hello all

I'm starting to explore the Seblod Multisites feature and have some confusion with the home page of the new sites. Firstly, I created main site (www.domain.com) where joomla is installed. Then I created two categories, and home menu links (alias home-1 and home-2). SiteA (a.domain.com) and SiteB (b.domain.com) were created.

Now here lies my problem: When I go to SiteA (asite.domain.com) I see in address bar asite.domain.com/home-1. SiteB shows bsite.domain.com/home-2. Why is the home-1 and home-2 appended at the end? I'd prefer it to be just asite.domain.com, because when I click another article then it becomes asite.domain.com/home-1/23-about-us. Am I doing something wrong?

Another thing: I want the link for each website (SiteA and SiteB) to be on the home page of the main website. However, when it is clicked it stays on the page (of main website) and the address bar has this http://www.domain.com/home-1 (featured article link for asite). When I change it to external url (asite.domain.com) it comes up as http://www.domain.com/asite.domain.com.

Any help would be much appreciated

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98 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
I'm pulling my hair out trying to make multisites work properly. If someone can really help I'd appreciate it very much. Here is the scenario:

I have three registered domains: http://domain.com, http://domain1.com and http://domain2.com. Joomla and Seblod are installed on domain.com. I want Seblod site1 to be domain1.com and Seblod site2 to be domain2.com. What is the best way of going about this? How do I redirect CPanel? How do I create a home link for each domain? (seblod seems to ignore the link I created during multisite setup).

Lastly, I keep reading in this forum that it's better to do multisites with Drupal. Is it really?
98 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
For now I've given up. Installed virtual domains from the JED. I would've liked to use Seblod Multisites but so far I can't seem to get it going. Also, despite all the headaches and learning curves, I prefer Joomla + Seblod to Drupal.
151 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Edwin,

sorry to hear about your troubles with multisites. Couple month ago i also tried to make multisites with Joomla and Seblod but unfortunately i failed. (with similar problems you have now)

Seblod is the best CCK i have ever seen and it increases Joomla`s quality dramatically. I am a big fan of Seblod. To be honest i will never use Joomla without Seblod again, because if i dont need Seblod in a project then i definitely dont need Joomla :) But i dont think Seblods multisites feature is something which i would try again. This is not a Seblod "problem" at all. The whole concept behind Joomla is not compatible with a multisite functionality. At least this is my opinion.

I dont have any experience with Drupal but i heard a lot of good things about it. For a project which began as a J+S project i had to switch to Typo3 system because of multisite. It is so easy to make multisites in Typo3. But again, Joomlas concept is different, the architecture is different. There is no CMS (or mabye i didnt discover yet) which is perfect for every type of project. Despite i am a Typo3 newbie, i know that i would still use J+S for some type of projects also if i would get a Typo3 pro (which also doesn't have CCK in core)

To cut a long story short, all CMS have their pros and cons. And maybe Joomlas biggest cons are the missing cck function (which Seblod fixes) and the multisite feature.

kind regards
98 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi pixelneco.

Thank you very much for your repsonse and advice. It is really sad that a great combination like Joomla and Seblod would have to be ditched for their rivals, simply because they don't measure up or their way of going about some simple tasks is so complex and frustrating. I'm now really looking elsewhere to accomplish what I want. I've just downloaded Typo3, Porcesswire and Drupal. It may now take me longer since I have to now learn a new CMS, but I think it will be worth it. But I will keep checking back in the hope things have changed. For me, it's the multisites feature limitations that have sent me away.


151 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi Edwin,

dont give up! I have to admit that learning Seblod can be really really tough. Sometimes it is so frustrating. But once you have survived the beginning stage, things will get awesome!

Do you know why Seblod is so mighty? It gives you so much possibilities to make custom solutions! Also you dont need so much extensions anymore like gallery, news, contact forms etc. This improves the security of Joomla enormous. But most important for me is, it makes Joomla much more user friendly for customers and editors. Like i said before, i would never use Joomla without Seblod again.

After some time spending on Typo3 i can say that there are a lot of features in J+S which makes life easier. For example with good PHP knowledge you can do with Seblod anything you want. And you can improve your PHP skills which you can use later for Non-Joomla projects. For deeper customizing Typo3 you have to learn the systems own language "TypoScript" which restrict you only to Typo3. For me this is a big con.

I hope you will still give Seblod a chance.

kind regards
98 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hello pixelneco

Thank you very much for you input and advice. Yep, I love the Joomla and Seblod combination too much to leave. I left just for that one project for which I was desperately in need of multisites feature. I couldn't get Seblod multisites to work. But I don't think I will ever be able to leave Seblod/Joomla completely for another. Seblod offers endless possibilities and I really commend the Seblod team for their time, effort and skills. For presenting us with such a great product, for free. Yes it is frustrating at times, very frustrating. But like you said, it gives us so much more.

I've played around with Typo3 and two others and immediately realised that they don't compare. Yes, they maybe easier to use in certain respects, and if you are a regular user, but their features are too limited. I've managed to get an extension date on my project, so I have time to sort my multisites issues with Seblod. I actually don't think it is impossible. I just think my lack of Seblod Multisites knowledge is what's getting me. I've been working with Seblod for quite some time (maybe a year) and I have since been doing every site with Seblod. I have setup talent search/modelling site, news, my webhosting site and others using only Joomla and Seblod. I've also cut down on installing extensions.Where possible, I use external scripts for things like tabs, accordians, image/content sliders, etc. Always concerned about speed.... Maybe two or three Joomla modules and plugins.

I have never really looked at Seblod's multisites feature very deeply, as I never needed it. I did ask a question once, whether it slows down websites (lots of users, content, traffic, etc.). That time the project was just discussions and nobody really knew the ifs and whens. Now its a reality.

After being in the wilderness for about 3 days (that is a very long time to be lost and away from my beloved Joomla + Seblod!) and after lots of meditations, confessions, and inner soul searching, I am back. They tried to baptise me in the name of Typo3, Processwire and Drupal; They tried to convert me, tempt me, and bribe me; they sprinkled unholy water on me and spoke in unearthly tongues. They even tortured me. But they couldn't sway me. My faith is what got me through. My faith in the cms trinity. In the name of the Joomla, and of the Seblod and of the Awesome Power! Amen!
151 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Hallelujah he is back! :)

"...I've also cut down on installing extensions.Where possible, I use external scripts for things like tabs, accordians, image/content sliders, etc...." Because of these two points i love Seblod :) Never used a gallery extension, contact form extension or something like that since Seblod. Even my Slideshows are always integrated to the corresponding item (usually frontpage item). That makes it sooo much easier for my clients and for me.


thx so much for your input! Please give me some time to try "your way". But it sounds very promising :)

kind regards

98 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hello pixelneco and zwergo (and every other Sebloder)

Yes, hallelujah I am back! Thank you very much for the advice and encouragement. It took three days in the wilderness to realise that there is nothing better and more powerful than Joomla + Seblod. Atleast for me.

With the advice I received I managed to put together a test site at this link. Main Site, where everything is installed. It contains three other websites (via multisites) - one at www.coloured.co.za (will be main public site), 2nd at network.coloured.co.za and 3rd community.coloured.co.za. Everything seems to be working fine. Hallelujah!

Just one thing I can't seem to solve: User login. When the user logs in on one site, they are not logged into the other. I've played around with user groups and view/access levels - assigning a user to different levels and groups - without any success. Is this possibe, or even within the scope of Multisites?

Thank you
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