7 Posts
8 years ago

Hello there,

the issue #255 on Github is fixed and after updating and testing this function I get an error:

An user logs on: he will be directed to the homepage - there the error "Not authorized to view the resource" is displayed.
In menu item "Login" itself automatically "internal link" appears - it is not possible to select a menu item or another internal link except the homesite.

This error only happens when the menu item is set to "guest".

Because I want the menu item "Login" is displayed only when a user is not logged in, I do have to set "guest", right?

In Joomla!-websites without Seblod switching works fine, so I'm assuming that it is related to Seblod. 

Does anyone have this problem? Can someone help?

Thank you!!


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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

I just tried with multi-sites with joomla 3.6.2 and seblod 3.9.1  and it works normally - in menu Options you can choose Internal url: you can enter some url manually in the box or Menu Item: then you can select a menu

4229 Posts
8 years ago
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