42 Posts
10 years ago


Me again and me again with a multisite issue (sorry, but I really, really, really need this feature for otherwise I'd have to maintain 12 different Joomla instances and keep the users synchronized among all of them)

Now my problem: I defined several multisites using SEBLOD, most of them with a category blog layout for featured articles of a certain category. Looks good so far ... until I click on one of the "read more" links. the only thing that changes is the URL in the address line of the browser, but all I see is still the blog layout of the chosen category

Of course I tried this and that and found some remarkable results.

The "read more" link ...

  1. ... DOES work when I use a domain/subdomain, that points to this joomla instance but is NOT mentioned in SEBLOD's multisite list.
    (means it behaves as if SEBLOD's multisite isn't installed at all)
  2. ... DOES work when I disable Joomla's own SEO URLs in system configuration
  3. ... DOES work when I disable SEBLODS multisite feature (behaves comparable to 1.).
  4. ... DOES work when the chosen article has an menu option on its own in any (even hidden) menu
  5. ... does NOT work, if both Joomla's own SEO URLs and SEBLODS multisite feature are enabled at the same time and the chosen article does NOT have its own menu option.
  6. ... does THEN lead to a strange looking URL, I think: 
    http://[multisite domain]/[homepage menu option alias]?id=[id of the chosen article]:[alias of the chosen article]
    e.g. http://server.domain13.de/server.html?id=79:category-tarot-server-access-level-public
    e.g. http://server.domain13.de/server?id=79:category-tarot-server-access-level-public (with file extensions not enabled in Joomlas SEO URLs)

Now does that mean that I either give each and every article in a category blog view its own menu option in a shadow menu? 

Or that the only alternative would be to run 12 domains in a multisite Joomla WITHOUT SEO URL????

C'mon, PLEASE tell me that I just have been too stupid yet to find a certain setting parameter in either Joomla! or SEBLOD ... it could be that I just misunderstood a certain setting parameter, couldn't it? 

thanks in advance for any helpful advice!!

Kind regards,


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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


With the strange looking URL's could this be a part of the joomla routing problem?  Do you notice duplicate content also?



42 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Ahoy Randy,

"With the strange looking URL's could this be a part of the joomla routing problem?"

Sorry, I have no clue about this - is it an extension? I didn't install any routing extensions ...

" Do you notice duplicate content also?"

Uhm ... not sure what you mean now. There is no duplicate content for each multisite has its own menu with its own homepage menu option pointing to a blog layout with featured from its own category.

Regards, Me

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