20 Posts
9 years ago

I created a multisite successfully and this is really a great feature. But I don't understand the how to assign the user to the different User Groups or how to influence on the assign to the group.

I tried to add the User Group ID to the registration form, but with no success. Is there a workaround for this? I didn't find in this forum about this topic. Perhaps the solution is easier as I think.

If the user register on the site, the user will be add to the group "registered",  but the user doesn't assign to the registered group "registered - domain.de".

Thank for your reply.

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98 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Hi all.

I know this is a very old topic but I also need a solution as above. When a new user registers, I want him to be added to group "registered" as well as "registered - domain1.com" and "registered - domain2.com". And all other sites I may add to my multisites setup.

Thank you

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

There is an option Allow Login on all Sites that when activated will allow user registered at one site to login at others, so you don't need to place him in mutiple groups.

98 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1

Hi Klas
Once again thank you for your speedy reply.
Yes, I did enable that option and user is able to log in on all sites. My problem is once user logs in on the site they did not register on, then all content disappears. Example: I set a module for the site, set to public access level of the site (e.g. site-a). The user is normal "registered" user. Once logged in, content set for site disappears.
I want all users, of all sites, once they log into any site, to view all content of any site they may visit. Only difference is either logged in or not (registered user or guest).
So I guess I have to have user upon registration be added to "registered" group, as well as "registered - site1", "registered - site 2", and so on.

Maybe I'm missing something, especially on the viewing access levels.


4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 1


you need to check which access level is assigned to the content type and items that dissapear, then you need to add users group to the access level.

4 years ago
Level 2

This is exactly the issue I'm having. When the user becomes registered they cannot see the menus assigned to site they're viewing. Putting the Registered user group in the "Website1 - Registered" ACL does not solve the issue. Putting the Registered user in the root ACL for each website means all menus from all sites are visible to the Registered user.

What does provide the desired functionality is adding the user to the relevant groups. So for example the user is added to the "Registered" users group by default and then added to "website1 - Registered" and "website2 - Registered" and "website3 - Registered". In this way a Registered user will be able to see site specific menus only when they are on the website but will be logged in to all the websites.

I am currently looking for a way to assign new users to multiple groups when they sign up as doing this manually is not scalable. Any thoughts on how best to acheive this end would be appreciated.



4 years ago
Level 2

Just read this again. Adding the menu item itself to the "Website - Registered" ACL got it working.



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