10 years ago


Have a rather basic question I was hoping someone could help me with. Essentially I would like to have a multiple download function on my list...

Currently each article includes a pdf file which the user can download as separate files via my list. It would however be great to have a checkbox that allows the user to download multiple files from several articles that they select. Is this possible to setup?

Your help would be greatly appreciated!!

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10 years ago
Level 1

Was also wondering whether, similarly to a multiple download function, it is possible to migrate all the article content into, for example, an excel sheet. As I am building a database of policy documents it would also be useful to be able to easily export all the content of selected articles into an excel document... 

Thanks in advance!

10 years ago
Level 2

Found the SEBLOD exporter add-on which would solve my excel problem :)

Still no idea about the multiple file download... any suggestions?

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