8 years ago

Hi there,

I'm trying to get multisite working and started a fresh install with J3.5.1 and Seb 3.8.1. On J install I choose to setup 3 languages automatically, with demo menu items and articles. I've also enabled multisite and setup one site and just trying to get it working. My joomla is installed here: in a subfolder

joomla root folder = domain.com/rootfolder/

First Multi Site = domain.com/rootfolder/website1

My first question is with the redirect, I can't find any examples of this anywhere in the documentation so I'm not sure I understand how the redirect is supposed to configured.  There's a message in the admin email but I'm not sure I have it correct.

This is what I set for a redirect:

“domain.com/rootfolder/website1” is currently being redirected to: http://domain.com/rootfolder

but I end up at



I've also disabled the language filter so now I redirect as the declatation

I've also changed the Access on my Menu Item and Article for "website1"

Can anyone help me confirm the proper redirect setitngs?  I feel like I don't have this correct.

Thank You

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


what you mean by redirects? Don't think you need to set any redirects,  all sites can be accessed using base url / yoursitename, so in your case




First site can also be accessed directly


See menus chapter here

8 years ago
Level 2

Redirects are mentioned a few times in various multisite posts on the forums. There is also a message from Seblod that is sent to the admin email when you create multisites.

"In order to complete the setup of this site you should create a redirection of the previous url (domain or sub-domain) to the root of your current Joomla! website, thanks to the configuration panel of your server/hosting."

I think I understand what this is trying to say now, which is not to create redirects, but to create the appropriate dns records to point the domain or subdomain to your hosting, and also create addon domains on the hosting to accept the request for the domain/subdomain and map it to the root folder of the website. So no redirects but in my case it involved creating A records and add on domains. So at least I know i can get multisites to work this way now. (domains / sub domains test).

But, this isn't what I was trying to do initially, I wanted to use a folder scheme, not domains/sub domains. So I'm assuming if I could get it to work that it doesn't need dns (or redirection) if you aren't using domains or subdomains.

The good news is I was able to get this to work using a domains/subdomains. So at least I know I can do it.

I haven't got a folder / subfolder site structure to work though, but at least I think I see that I don't need redirects here... or anywhere for that matter.

Thanks again for your reply.

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

Yes, you need to direct your domains/subdomains to the same root(multi site, that's all). For sub-folder structure I'm sorry, but

"multisites is a feature that allows you to run multiple website domains (or sub domains) off a single installation"

8 years ago
Level 4

Got it, thanks for helping me clarify this Klas.

Sure would be nice to find a solution to what I'm trying to accomplish with joomla.  The problem with lots of sub domains is that is less beneficial for SEO because every site is a unique domain, where with folders it's all one website.

The only way I could figure out how to do a multi-country/multi-language website using one domain would be multiple joomla installs in sub folders, one for each country.

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