9 Posts
6 years ago

I exported (as in the video tutorial) an application from one server and imported it in another. It seemed to go well. The forms, fields and lists are all there. But when I try to view the content on the new server, I get "There is no result.".

The articles that is supposed to be seen on the new server are all there as well. NOW, what did I mess upp?

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4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 1

You need to use importer and exporter to migrate content, application only transfers content types, search type, template etc.

9 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2

Ah, my bad probably. I have imported the content (the articles) already to the new site using J2XML. Should that suffice or does the tools you mention do some specific magic to Seblod generated content?

4229 Posts
6 years ago
Level 3

I doubt J2XML can be used with seblod, seblod stores data in various tables that are not joomla standard tables.

9 Posts
6 years ago
Level 4

Ah, I see. Well I'll have to wait until I get payed to buy the thing, or just recreate the articles for now - they thankfully aren't that many.

Thanks for the info.

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