9 years ago

Good day everybody.

It is double maybe, but I can't find some clear explanation of this process. So, step by step

1) I have an article1 which located in some category Category1. It has te be availible in menu Category1. This menu point contains List&Search with articles from Category1.

2) Next article is located in Category2. List&Search of this category applied in menu point Category2. 

3) Each of this articles has a link which provide us to menu point Category1 or Category2 as well.

4) I have a new articles List&Search which contains articles from both menu points - Category1 and Category2.

5) Articles from New Articles List has to provide us to own menu. How I can make such links? 

I can't create them with link plugin because it has to proveide to different menu points. I try to make them manually in custom template, but it's not nice and unoversal - to get menu path and concatinate alias to it... I want to get this link with SEBLOD Router, but I haven't an info about it. What can you advice maybe or give us few pieces of information, please?


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4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

There is no item view in Seblod, single items are from Joomla and since you get Joomla routing. A workaround is to add id field to the search tab (it can be hidden), set Auto redirect to Cntent, then in search&list menu set a live value to the desired articles id. This will give you single result in the list and with auto redirect it will be redirected to the item view with the right routing. Hope this helps.

9 years ago
Level 1


Thanks for answer. I little bit don't understand - I have to make a link from my L&S item to the another List&Seach with autoredirect. But I have the same problem to set a link in the second L&S - I can't create them with link plugin because it has to provide to different menu points. Isn't it?

4229 Posts
9 years ago
Level 2

When creating a link you can specify which menu/itemId you will use for the link (click +) - but you can only specify one menu for each link, so if you would like to have different menus applied to the single link, this is not directly possible. You could have 2 link fields and then show only using conditionals, so which field is shown would depend on the some other field value.

9 years ago
Level 3

Thanks, Klas!

But it's the standard Joomla task! News on the first page - is it some original idea? I can't use conditionals in the Item view - anyway it's a position override. In this case I hoped, that you could say me, how I can get the real link of the article by some custom Seblod function (like JCck::...) maybe... Really, Seblod can solve many task fast and easy, but sometimes we stoped in simple moments...

9 years ago
Level 1

Hello everybody, and Merry Cristmas!

So, I found a temporal solution. But it's a dog nail...

1) Create a core42 field in the Form view with Prepare sorage code:

$cat_id = $_POST['art_catid'];
$menu= JCckDatabase::LoadResult('select id from #__menu where menutype="mainmenu" and published=1 and params like "%\"live\":\"art_catid='.$cat_id.'\"%" and link like "%search=articles%"');

It means, of course, that my category blog Menu points are the L&S named 'Articles' with different Live value of Article Category Id.

So, now I have Menu itemid in each my Article.

2) Create Text field in my News search with the same storage with core42 to get our itemid in Item View.

3) In the Link settings (click +) I choose Field option in Menu Select and put my Text field name to appeared field. Now I'll put my itemid to the link settings for each Article.

Bingo!!! I have correct links. 

BUT!!! It will be work for everybody after devs fix this issue

I think, that it is too much actions for such simple task....

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