55 Posts
Olek T.
4 years ago


I manage rather major website for a public library. I use Joomla native router + Joomla native category blogs assigned to various menu items to list the articles. Tens of categories, thousands of articles. Seblod helps me mainly tweaking the articles by using various content types. So no need of List & Search Types. Until now.

I have to create 5 new article categories and present them as a category blog, but with masonry effect, so native Joomla category blog won't is out of question. The only way is to create List & Search Type, which will present articles with Seblod Masonry template.

Every of the 5 categories will have its own menu item + I want 6th menu item that displays all the articles from that 5 categories mixed in one place (something like featured content).

The problem: link from intro (item) view to content view. First of all when I use Joomla router and can't assign these new categories to menu items with Joomla native functionality, link to content with unassigned category is pretty hardcore - like <site-url>?view=article&id=<articleid>:<article-alias>&catid=<article-category>. When I click it, it opens on my homepage, which doesn't make sense. I want articles from a category to be bound to a menu item (just like in native Joomla system). When I'll create List & Search type displaying all the 5 categories mixed, I'd like them to open in the menu item assigned to its category.

Is it possible to achieve all this with Joomla native routing being enabled in the first place? Seriously - I'm trying to find a workaround for over a week and still nothing. Please, tell me how to recreate Joomla native content blog functionality, but with Seblod List & Search mechanism. I'm in a desperate mode, seriously.



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55 Posts
Olek T.
4 years ago
Level 1

Firsty of all - this thread is NOT SOLVED. I'm so tired that I must have clicked something I shouldn't have and cannot unclick it.

Another 12+ hours and the more I try to make it work, the more confused I am. I mean - if I create a List &Search type to display items form category X, does this category has to be first assigned to a Menu item with Joomla native 'Category blog', so I can point this menu item in link vew content settings? Because this is the only case when link to view content actually works. But this means I have to have 2 menu items: one with List & Search Type which lists category X items using Masonry template and the second one, which lists category X items old-fashoned-Joomla-native way, but enables proper view content for that List & Search type. Seriously guys, it doesn't make any sense. The content should have url:


and not





Assuming that address of my List & Search type is:


When SEF is set to Joomla Native, the link to content looks like this:


and opens on the homepage (which of course is NOT correct).

When I set it to SEBLOD /alias, it looks as it should:


but it gives me 404 errors.

55 Posts
Olek T.
4 years ago
Level 1


another day - another dose of observations. It is a combination of router settings that causes all this mess. First of all: link to content view works as it should ONLY if I set the main Joomla router to Legacy (which for me is a no go). Modern router (no matter - with od without removing ID) ruins the link. So the below combinations assume Joomla uses natively the old router:

Seblod SEF setting in main options | Seblod SEF setting in link settings | Result: 

1) Append Segment | Any option | Error 404.

2) Use Native | Inherrited | Opens on a home site [which is not a correct menu item] 

3) Use Native | /alias or any other Seblod option | Error 404. [Important: there is no article alias in the link, only article id. You'll see in a sec, why I mention this.] 

4) /alias or any other Seblod option | Inherrited | Spot on! [This is the moment when article alias appears in the link.] 

5) /id or /id-alias | /alias | Spot on! [However the link SEF setting is completely ignored here - I still have id in url.] 

See? It's all really messed up. As I've written before - setting native router to Legacy is not an option for me, as 95% of my website uses native category blogs. I guess it's router conflicts of some sort that cause all this content linking problems.



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