11 years ago

Hi guys, I'm experiencing this issue only with the seblod articles, the joomla native articles seem to work fine.

In every seblod cck article the site is displaing this warning, for example: "JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID: 52" .

Where the user happens to be the ARTICLE ID, and the SEF url looks like http://www.example.com/content/menu/52-my-article-alias

I have tried to set the SEF to /alias, /alias (safe) and joomla native from both the content configuration and the global configuration, i have tried enableing "use URL rewriting" in the joomla global configuration, but the cck articles URL doesnt change at all.

Im using the default joomla blog list to get to the article, with both joomla and seblod on the last update.

Has anybody experienced something similar or know what might be wrong?

Get a Book for SEBLOD
11 years ago
Level 1

Is the content type for these articles based on user or on article?

11 years ago
Level 2

it is based on article, and all fields are stored in article

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