10 years ago
Anyone know how to get joomla plugins to work with Seblod? For example I am trying to use BK Multithumbnail plugin to automate the creation of thumbnail images in my Seblod content for display. I can't seem to expose Seblod content to the joomla plugin. I have seen version 2 posts related to a Rox thumbbail plugin but that thread doesn't seem to apply to version 3. Thanks for the help.
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi joem,

Have you looked at the SEBLOD image upload field? That also creates thumbnails images.


20 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
I actually use BK-Multithumb with SEBLOD. I don't use SEBLOD image plugin for creating thumbs - just use it for inserting big images, Multithumb does the rest of the job (creates thumbs and takes care for pop-ups). Have in mind, that I use SEBLOD for enhancing Joomla articles, so I don't use SEBLOD's Lists & Search type, just native Joomla blog view of articles.
233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Actually, Content plugins should run, IMHO. 
  • Did you test other plugins with Seblod articles? Is it not working for BK-MultiThumb only?
  • Does BK-MultiThumb run properly in regular J! articles?
  • Did you check the ordering of BK and Seblod Content plugins? I guess, BK should be after Seblod.
  • Where and how do you insert the (inline) images? I assume you are talking of WYSIWYG editor field in Seblod article submission form?

10 years ago
Level 1
I had the problem once with a comments component plugin that did not execute on my Seblod content. After going through the following steps I got it working.

Did you check the settings in the configuration tab of your list&search type?
There is one that says "Prepare content".

Also if you want to run the plugin inside a module, in the module configuration there also is a prepare content setting.

This determines whether Joomla plugins should be executed on the content.

If you are using custom template or position overrides, you need to include something like:
<?php echo $this->item->event->afterDisplayContent; ?> or <?php echo $this->item->event->beforeDisplayContent; ?>

in your override php.

118 Posts
6 years ago
Level 2
<?php echo $this->item->event->afterDisplayContent; ?> or <?php echo $this->item->event->beforeDisplayContent; ?>
I tried to add this to my 'content' override but it doesn't work. Any idea?
85 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
If i'm not wrong in jseblod we had a custom field to insert 3rd party plugin syntax that was very useful.
In Seblod since V2 you just have to insert syntax in a custom position ovveride or you can use SD Concat Field in your form.
10 years ago
Level 1
Thanks for all the help and input.  Turns out that the MultiThumbnail was installed ahead of the Seblod plugin.  I changed the order and it's working now.

Kormadv - thanks for the tip on including plugins in the forms!
233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hopefully, you have noticed and read my last comment?! I just have edited my previous comment 4 days ago, but created no extra comment for this "ordering" suggestion ;-)
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