9 years ago

I've made a few attempts in the past to build with Seblod and for one reason or another jumped ship.  However I want to climb back on board with a new site that I'm working on where one of the requirements is to provide job listings and track submissions.

To start I'm wondering if anyone has any application like this already built.  That would be awesome.  I searched for "jobs" and "employment" on the forum here but didn't find much.

On job listings there would be a few sub tables for

Email Templates

The job listings would then be filled out by an admin with lookups from those tables.

At the bottom of each job listing would be an application form to submit contact info, comment and upload field.

backend of application tracking would have applicant data, status, comments.

I know this should be pretty straight forward with Seblod.  Would love a jump start or some help and willing to pay.  I can also build much of it out but might need some hand where I get stuck.

Any suggestions.


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9 years ago
Level 1

Hi lownotes, first of all this job is easy to do with seblod.

To do this, you need to know how to create a Content type, in your case two of them, jobs and employment with them custom fields. After create this contents you be able to ser your admim form, filled them and see the informations in your database.

To finish, you need to able your frontend users to see your data through a list and search type. So you will need to create this search type with your conditions and asign a seblod joomla module to a joomla position.

After you do this, you can start to style your views through some overides if you need.

In seblod site have some tutorials in article and video format to explain this steps.

9 years ago
Level 2

ahh, thank you so much for your word of confidence Rafael!  I will give it a try to see how far I get and I'll start by watching some of the tutorials again.  It's been a while.  

Suprised this isn't something that someone has packaged as an application though.  Seems to be something that would be very common and useful on almost any business website.

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 3


Not sure if this is helpful but James Morrell did a job site...

Job Jungle - Seblod

9 years ago
Level 4

Thank you Bucklash, yes, job jungle has most of the functionality I'm looking for, without the ecommerce aspects.  Thank you for that information.

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 5

Hi lownotes

keep us informed of how you get on, your approach, and why you chose one method over another (a: if you have time, and b: if you don't mind).


Also, Mr Morrell might be ble give a few pointers along the way, too.


Could make a good 'case study'!!


9 years ago
Level 6

Thanks Buckash, I appreciate those words of encouragement.  I dove right in and have done the following.

1) Created Joomla Category - Open Positions

2) Created Content Type - Open Positions & Applicants

3) Created Search Type - Open Positions

At this point I have a couple of questions, maybe you can guide me to tips or vids I could watch.

1) Region Selectbox - This company is international and there will be hundreds of regions that would be best added on the fly by the HR person entering in the Open Positions.  Is there a way to accomplish this?  That regions are pulled from a table and if it doesn't exist the user can add it, preferably while in the Open Positions admin form.

2) Confirmation emails - I'd like to send confirmation emails when a user submits the form back to the user, one to hr mgr other contacts.  Perhaps a multi-select box of internal contacts that would simultaneously get admin email of applicant.

3) list type formatting - as I said the company is international so I'm envisioning an initial list of all Open Position titles that would be sorted by regions, with some filters at the top of the list.

[Department]     [Region]  <----(filters)

Los Angeles - USA

--- SALES - Territory Mgr

--- IT - DBA

--- ADMINISTRATION - Office Assistant

Paris - France

--- IT - CIO

--- IT - .NET Programmer

4) When displaying an open position it would be nice to show the Job Application form in a module position in sidebar and that when submitting the form there would be something to link the applicant with the job title they are currently looking at.  I was able to put the form in a module but don't know how to have it only display when you are looking at a particular Open Position/Job.

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 7

Hi lownotes

Be aware that I am a beginner (hang my head in shame that I am still saying that)...

That said, I will have a good go at dealing with your questions... hopefully report back with something useful.

1283 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi lownotes


I hope I'm correct in what I have written, if not, I am truly sorry!! I am going to try and create your scenario and correct any errors when if I get a chance.

4) When displaying an open position...

So the 'position' could be a field of type 'Simple - Select'. This would have the options:

  1. Open=1
  2. Closed=0

This value would be selected upon position creation probably.

May be worth checking out the field Select - Dynamic instead. A quick google gets you some forum posts etc.

...it would be nice to show the Job Application form in a module position in sidebar...

As you have stated you have that done already (Create a Seblod - Form module, and select the form, select the pages and position).

...and that when submitting the form there would be something to link the applicant with the job title they are currently looking at...

I am pretty sure you can pull a value form the Article by using: SD Live CCK Field

In the contact form content type, and after installing the plugin of course, you create a field (text field probably) that will pull a value from the article currently being displayed. You select '2' to see the two columns 'Live' and 'Live Value'. In the 'live' column you will new see a new option: SD Live CCK Field. Enter the machine name for the db column you are after and that should be it (not tested, I've never used it before).

...I was able to put the form in a module but don't know how to have it only display when you are looking at a particular Open Position/Job.

A solution might be to have the positions assigned to 'open' or 'closed' categories (this possibly could be done dynamically using Code Pack (5 plug-ins). If this is dynamically achievable then you are good to go. In the Form - SEBLOD Module, there is a tab 'URL assignment', here you can assign it to show or hide based on a url variable ie catid=13

Check out Displaying a List with SEBLOD List module



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