8 years ago


We all know that due to Joomla old router limitations you can't automatically create a link from a content to another in JCE if the destination content is NOT reachable though a native Joomla menu item.

The route JCE creates is broken in those cases.

We also know the upcoming new router with Joomla 3.6 is supposed to allow third party developpers such as seblod team to make Joomla more aware of the seblod itemIDs but what is your current solution please ?



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310 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


8 years ago
Level 1

Hi there

Nobody can give his own solution please ?

I find adding a "category articles blog menu item" is a real constraint



310 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Hi cyril,

I don't know what you know(;-)) but my current solution is to set SEF URL's to "Use Native" and create a redirect for each SEBLOD category to a Joomla category.


8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Ricco

Please explicit what you mean by "create a redirect for each SEBLOD category to a Joomla category" 

I was referring to creating a link to a seblod content from JCE when you don't have native joomla menu items pointing to this content (= extended joomla article). In those cases JCE can't find the itemId to add to the url and the sef rewritten url is wrong.



310 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Hi Cyril,

May be I've understood you wrong, sorry. I thought you are asking how to link a Joomla category to a Seblod search type.

What do you mean by "creating a link to a seblod content from JCE"? Are you creating the link from the front end or the back end? As far as I know the Seblod content is a Joomla item(category, menu link, article ...). Are you trying to link to an article?


8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Ricco

I try, from the backend, in JCE to make a link to another seblod content (wich is an extended article). The problem is I may not have a native joomla menu item pointing to this content so JCE can't add a itemId to the url.

SO the question is: are we forced to add joomla native menu items (such as articles blog ) so that JCE finds an existing itemID and the router builds a right sef url ? 



310 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1

Currently I'm creating backend links with JCE but I've disabled the editor on first load, its an option in the JCE configuration, then I write the html in another program and just paste the html in the pure editor. After save the links are OK even if I toggle on the full JCE editor.

I hope I understand what are you asking.



8 years ago
Level 1

Hi Ricco

Yes I understand what you are doing. 

Let me repeat we are talking about the cases where you only have seblod list menu items (and no native joomla menu items) pointing to some contents AND you want to create links (from another contents) towards this contents .

Actually what you propose is what I did, until I saw our customers used JCE ability to create links by selecting a target article within JCE link manager. In this case, if there is no native joomla menu item pointing to this target article, JCE can't add the itemId parameter and the sef route is wrong.

So the choices we have are:

1- either we tell our customer to copy/paste urls from the frontend to create their links. But if someone change the alias of a menu item it will give a 404 error. In this case we set up JCE so that the JCE link manager doesn't propose the list of articles.

2-or we create artificial joomla menu items so that the router can find a proper itemID but it's tedious and not clean.



310 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Hi Cyril,

I think I know what you mean, but "unfortunately" I think its not a Seblod problem but JCE or Joomla problem. JCE is constructing the link as non SEF in its own way which after some time unknowingly why gets different. I've had this problem in one of my sites, when the link is first created its OK, but after some time and updates the link to the articles without menu links get messed up.



58 Posts
4 years ago
Level 1


Still no answer on that because as Cyril said our users love the link to article function in avaible in JCE and Tiny now...

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