10 years ago

i have many question about sebold because i haven´t work with sebold until now.
In the last time, i have search about moduls and plugins who i can realized my project.

I want implement a search engine where i can select different parameters. The search engine should be check if a article selected or not with this frintend selection. For example ich want created Attribut 1 - 10 on a article. The search engine construction should be as aquestionnaire with different opportunities as answer.

Because: I want ask the users, what are your requirements? He defined the questinnaire and as a result he get a report with the matching articles.

For example th following url. It is not the same topic but the working style is the same:

I hope you can understand me.
Is that possible?

AND Sry for my bad english -.-

Kind regards

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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi Axt!

Welcome to the Seblod Forums. If you look here: http://www.seblod.com/community/forums/general-discussions?seb_topic_type_for_search=0&seb_topic_categories_multiple_simple=

You can see along the top that you have the ability to select different Topics,Category,Status, etc. As you create your forms, you can use the same items to create your search forms.

Hope that helps...

233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
The example URL from "Axterius" seems to have a nice AJAX loading. Does Seblod have any build-in AJAX features? Or is it planned for Search/Filter view in the near future?
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi pepperstreet,

Yes SEBLOD does have some AJAX features! Check out the demo site here


233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hello Randy, thanks for pointing me to the new(?) demo page. Or did I miss that demo button in the past?
I already knew about the dynamic-cascade-select… but is Seblod AJAX prepared in general? I mean, especially the search/filter view. The most wanted and most useful area, i guess.
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3
Hi pepperstreet,

Yes the demo page is new! There will probably be a more "official" notice going out soon...

Saba was saying that the ability to "display/load more results" with AJAX is planned and will come in the near future. If the AJAX loading is for the whole page, he also said that it would best handled with a site template.

Hope that helps!

233 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4
Thanks for the advance information and "Saba's thoughts".
Regarding the demo page… Are you going to provide the templates in the store? i.e. Masonry, Chart, Cloud, Backstretch. Or at least a tutorial how to implement 3rd-party scripts to get such results.
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 5
Lots of cool stuff on the demo page! I haven't heard officially what will be going on the store, but documentation is being worked on!
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