11 years ago


How can I align image so that the text is wrapped around it?  Similar to this

How can I enter full text instead of introtext? I guess, if I can enter full text then I should be able to use the ReadMore plugin to automatically shorten the full text.

Can we use all Joomla Extensions meant for native Joomla articles/categories/users... for seblod without any hack? I tried one and it displays ::cck::3::/cck::

What must I do not to get the above output?

Thanks in anticipation of a reply.


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11 years ago
Level 1

Hello Cardin,

You can use other Joomla plugin or module if they do the Joomla plugin process. 

If you edit with SEBLOD the "article" content type you have 2 tabs "content" (article detail) and "intro" (example joomla category blog view) which manage fields display on this both view.

After that you can do what you want by using a variation or position layout which are applied on a specific position of your content template.

We will publish soon a typo plugin to cut any HTML text with the number of caracters whished.

Best Regards

548 Posts
11 years ago
Level 2

Hi Bes, 

Please, Is this documentation tip about "Readmore... and pagebreak" still valid ? :

Keep in mind that with Seblod, "readmores" (excepts that link to detail pages) are done differently. You shouldn't use the readmore button in the editor. Instead, use seperate introtext and full text and the result will be the same.


At this time, the page break feature isn't compatible with Seblod.

TIP: I usually like to remove the readmore button so it doesn't confuse the editor. To do that, go to extensions->plugins and unpublish the readmore button. You could also do the same with the pagebreak or any other editor buttons that either don't work or you don't want to display."

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2

Hi Bes, 

if I go in: Form & Content Type > Article > Intro

I can find only the "Article Introtext" field in the "MAINBODY" position

  • Why I cannot see here all the template positions ? What am I missing ? 
  • Please, Where I can manage the "Intro Image" position I input when I insert an article from the Admin panel ?

Many Thanks for help

10 years ago
Level 3

Hello Joomleb,

you see only introtext because it's a basic choice.

Of course, you can put all the fields you want in the intro view.

For "Intro Image", i think you are speaking about Joomla! native image intro field. If you want to display it in the intro, simply add this field in the position you want. You will find those field in the folder "Article / Image & Links".

Sorry, but I can't expand more on this topic because we never use the intro view and even less for the image and links Joomla fields.

Intro view is used when you use Joomla menu Item List (categories, feature, ...), while SEBLOD can do much more with "List & Search types".

For example, when you create a content type, you can add those fields:
  • a wysiwyg field as "Introtext" with storage  "standard | article | intro"
  • an other as "Fulltext" with storage  "standard | article | full"
  • a upload_image field with storage "standard | article | img"
  • a jfom category field with storage "standard | article | catid"
  • a checkbox for featured field with storage "standard | article | featrured"
  • and all other fields you need......

Now if you want to make a list like Joomla featured list, in the tab search of the list you must have:

  • The cck field to search only on the good content type
  • the featured field with a live value to 1

Then in Search type, the intro view is "Item" tab. so in this tab you can put fields you had created in your content type:

  • field intro
  • field upload_image
  • add a freetext field "Read more" with a plugin link on it (option 2), to do like the Joomla Read More
  • created date field .....
  • ....

With that you have the same functionnality as a Joomla list, but totally customizable.

Hope it help.



11 years ago
Level 1

Hello cardin,

Or you can use the html plugin typo on the text to do that.

You have 4 fields name :

  • field_image_01
  • field_image_02
  • field_text_01
  • field_text_02

You put the field_image_01, field_image_02 in the position hidden with the typo image to select your thumb3 example. The field field_text_02 put in the hidden position.

You put the field_text_01 in the position mainbody with the typo html (button 3) and inside you write :

<div style="width:300px;">
<img style="float:left; margin-right:5px;" src="/$cck->getThumb3('field_image_01')" width="100"/>
<p style="text-align:justify; margin:0; padding:0;">$cck->getValue('field_text_01')</p>
<img style="float:right; margin-left:5px;" src="/$cck->getThumb3('field_image_02')" width="100" />
<p style="text-align:justify; margin:0; padding:0;">$cck->getValue('field_text_02')</p>


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