Hello Community,
I am stuggle with an problem:
I build a huge website with currenty 10000 categories.
I have to render only the sprecial subcategories from a parent catid in a list and seach type.
My try was to build a select dynamic with this free query:
SELECT CONCAT( REPEAT('-', (category.level)-1), category.title) AS text, category.id AS value
FROM #__categories AS category
LEFT JOIN #__categories AS parent
ON category.lft BETWEEN parent.lft AND parent.rgt
WHERE parent.id = 225 ORDER BY category.lft
what points on catid like the normal category field.
The problem is, that I have do define the special parent category id in a overwrite in the menu item.
So the number 225 in the dynamic field must be the field, who is to overwrite in the menu item.
What I have to do. Can you help me.