548 Posts
10 years ago

Hi Seblod Team, 

I'm too interested to understand well How to and How can be managed the new Seblod Apps. I explain you better what I mean:

1 - Till now building a new Application create a new Application folder should be the way. Am I right ?

2 - This rule is valid also if I want modify / personalize one of the default Form & Content / List & Search installed by Seblod and use them. So the right way is copy them (the one I want to use) in a new Application folder I created for that and then modify it and use. Am I right ?

3 - I discovered with surprise that Seblod doesn't update its Form & Content / List & Search "Apps" during updating. Really I don't understand it and I'm not agree. But, now the question is:

4 - If I buy and use one of the Seblod Apps and I want modify / personalize it, what's happen when will be an App update ?!? It will be updated ?!? How to work and manage Seblod and its Apps ?

Many Thanks to help on understanding

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4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1


I'll check with developers but as far as I know it is currently impossible to update aps

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

From my tests it seems that if you install an already existing app it adds any new fields that were added, but forms/views remain unchanged

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1

Ok, I got an answer:

when you upgrade an app:
- it doesn't affect your existing content types, search types,..
- it creates new fields (those fields are available for you to assign/drag&drop)
- it updates all plug-ins,templates

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2


- I buy and install one of the Seblod Apps

- maybe I modify / personalize it (content types / search types)

- then an App update will be released, maybe with new improved Content types/ List & Search types that I suppose will be interesting to add them as new features on my sites 

- How to work and manage Seblod and its Apps ?

I countinue to think that this would be a good way... but sure this way should need a way to decide if overwrite or not the App during an App installation...

Many Thanks to help on understanding

4229 Posts
10 years ago
Level 3


it's possible that in the future there will be an option to overwrite old app version, but for now new install don't overwrite existing content types,

548 Posts
10 years ago
Level 4

Hi Klas, 

as I wrote here, till that moment would be too useful to have a "changelolgs" / a small list of changements to follow for updating it manually...

548 Posts
8 years ago
Level 4

Hi Klas, 

few days ago appared on Seblod Blog the "SEBLOD 3.8 – Saving you development time" article.

Very Good, but, if I create a "Search Form" and/or a "List View" and use them as you suggested to save time, still I haven't a solution on how to update my Seblod Apps (...and also my "Search Form" and/or a "List View").

So, right now and as I wrote on this topic, it's "impossible" create my own App, export and use it on ten sites (for example), update it and re-export to my ten sites (to update them). I have to do manually ten times the update work!

Please, Do you have any news about this "feature" ?

548 Posts
7 years ago
Level 5

Hi Klas,

Do you have any news about that ? ...Any plan on that ?

4229 Posts
7 years ago
Level 6

Sorry, no news.

548 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi guys, Do you have any news here?

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