9 Posts
10 years ago
Hello all. I have two types of users group
user1 - role / permission -> create content type "Job"
user2 - role / permission -> create content type "Offer" for "Job"
I created my structure similar "Comment System App" .

I need a solution, which will allow user1 to confirm the user2's offer ("confirm button")
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693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Hi zorojan,

Welcome to the SEBLOD forums.

One idea, In the search type for the Offers, you could have a field that shows a link (ID) only available for the "Job" user.  The link would then open the Offer form to Edit.

In Edit Mode, perhaps a checkbox field for Accepted - available to Job User.  Upon Checking could then enable an Email Field, and enable/visible FreeText field using Conditional States (option #5).  The FreeText field could have "Offer Accepted".  Then upon submission of the form, it could send out an email to the parties.

Is that what you are thinking?


9 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Thanks for the ideas, I did as you said and problem with confirm button solved.

but the "send message to email" function failed to create, because need live value auther email address set in field Email.
In seblod2 has a plugin "Get Values from Article Author Profile" but not worked in Seblod 3.
regards, Zoro
9 Posts
10 years ago
Level 1
Was necessary to alter the old plugin "Get Value from Author Profile", for my problem it worked.
May also be useful to someone.
Get Values from Article Author Profile 3.0
693 Posts
10 years ago
Level 2
Hi zorojan,

I will take a look.  Is that the same plugin as the Author plugin?

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