9 years ago

Hello everyone,

Question: I just want to add a read more button just under my article.... I have been trying that with following steps below but not able to achieve what I desire for ???

Screenshot : http://screencast.com/t/FaydF8Ie9NWg

Steps i followed 

Here are the steps for creating your own custom text to replace the standard Joomla "Read More..." text:

1. Create a text field for your content type, and give it a name (for example, "link_to_content").

2. Go to the “Intro” view for your content type in the Seblod control panel and add the "link_to_content field" by dragging and dropping it from the right to the left side.

3. On the right side of the control panel, click the "2" button (link). Then on the left side, click the “+” button in the “link_to-content” field. Set the link to "content."

4. Click save.

5. Open your custom template. Add the following line where you need it. Just replace "link_to_content" with the name of your field, and replace “some text” with your own “Read More...” text:

Question2: Is there any that I can add a link to the images/Title?


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97 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Raul91,

I’m not sure how you are setting up a custom template and calling the fields so it is difficult to advise.

You can make any button, text or image field in intro into a readmore link just by clicking option #2 (Link + Typography) and then under the Link column set it to (Content – View). This will make that field link to the content.

For example – for the image of a truck, click #2 and under link column set it to Content View. Now in the front end the image should link to content. Do the same for the title field.

There are many ways to create a readmore button/link and you don’t need to use storage (storage – Format Object - none).

  • You can use a submit or free button field and label it ‘Read More’, place it between your custom years and the truck image fields and then follow instructions above using option #2.
  • You can create a text or free text field with no storage and in the Default Value type 'Read More' - Again follow option #2

Hope this helps


9 years ago
Level 2

Hi Anjo

Thanks for the quick reply..

I manage to link the image to the content that was a great example i like the way how you explain it to me Thank you..

But There were few things I am having trouble with..

Question 1: On the front end page when I click on the truck image it leads to the article inside it and truck image on the full article page is also linked BUT when I click on that particular image it redirects to the CATEGORY NOT FOUND PAGE.

Question2: Is there any way that I can manage the front end and the full article page individually?

Question3: How can I resize the image? I want that truck image appears bigger that what's coming right now..

And yeah last but not the least ... 

I tried likewise you told ..to add a read more button BUT it didn't work out for not sure why it sounds stupid there must be something I did wrong..

Thank You 

Help Appriciated 

97 Posts
9 years ago
Level 1

Hi Raul91,

Just tested various readmore links and realised that button submit and text does not work, sorry for the confusion.

There is a Button Free http://www.seblod.com/products/921 which costs 10Euros which lets you set up a read more link but you can do this for free using FreeText Field.

In the freeText field open the Default Value Editor and type Read More, then option#2 Link Content View.

Can you explain a bit more what you are trying to create and I’ll try to help.


7 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

when i use the rewrite mod of joomla my read more redirect me on a wrong page. please help me

4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 3

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