Hi everyone, if somebody can help me with this simple question, please.
How I can create a search that can search not only in article title or any field but the words in article content (inside article introtext wysiwyg field)?
I tried to add the "article introtext" field in search form but the field does not show up at the website, and well I believe I need the search terms to be inputed in a text field and not in a wysiwyg.
Here some screenshots that shows what I am doing:
I do tried creating a text field that have the Custom > Article > Introtext and put in the search form but it does not work.
I believe someone will suggest the standard joomla search for this, and well, joomla standard search is the reason that I need to create another search. A word can be in title and be typed 40th times in introtext and it still it has a chance that the search do not show that article if the word is searched.