151 Posts
8 years ago

Hi Seblodians

i have a form with a lot of fields (ca. 70). About 26 of them have condional states with several triggers, the fields are mostly checkboxes. After clicking around several times on the fields, the fields with conditional states are getting "slower" after a while -> the changing of the states takes longer than on first rendering of the form.

I know that there is a lot of javascript/jquery working in background. Does anyone have an idea, how i could optimize the conditional states? Or is it more a lack of planning using so much fields with so many conditional states?

Kind regards

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4229 Posts
8 years ago
Level 1


you could split you form in multistage for so that only part of fields and conditions is on a page, that should speed up things.

151 Posts
8 years ago
Level 2

Hey Klas,

thx for the hint, but unfortunately splitting is not a real option becauce of to many dependencies between the field. Half of the fields (30-35) have no conditional states so it is more a problem with the ones who have conditional states.

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